Artigo - Atena Editora


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This work presents some perspectives on teacher education, knowledge and the teaching profession. At first, we make a bibliographical incursion with the purpose of understanding the process of formation and construction of teaching knowledge, we bring for analysis, authors such as: TARDIF (2002), NÓVOA (1992), GATTI (2014), among others, knowing that we do not exhaust here all the contributions of authors, national and international, on the referred theme. For a second moment, still dialoguing with the referred authors and incorporating new perspectives, we will discuss the issue of teaching subjectivity and its influence on the construction of a teaching career. Knowing that teachers have their personal and professional life history, we understand that the construction of teacher professionalization is intertwined with the events that permeate their training process. The teacher is a historical-social subject and, as such, his experiences will compose his professional trajectory.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558342313013

  • Palavras-chave: Teacher training; Subjectivity; Professionalization.

  • Keywords: Teacher training; Subjectivity; Professionalization.

  • Abstract:

    This work presents some perspectives on teacher education, knowledge and the teaching profession. At first, we make a bibliographical incursion with the purpose of understanding the process of formation and construction of teaching knowledge, we bring for analysis, authors such as: TARDIF (2002), NÓVOA (1992), GATTI (2014), among others, knowing that we do not exhaust here all the contributions of authors, national and international, on the referred theme. For a second moment, still dialoguing with the referred authors and incorporating new perspectives, we will discuss the issue of teaching subjectivity and its influence on the construction of a teaching career. Knowing that teachers have their personal and professional life history, we understand that the construction of teacher professionalization is intertwined with the events that permeate their training process. The teacher is a historical-social subject and, as such, his experiences will compose his professional trajectory.

  • Elza Magela Diniz
  • OLIVEIRA, Maria Auxiliadora Monteiro
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