Study of the presence of biphenyl polychlorates in the waters of the Bengalas River, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro.
Biphenyl polychlorinated (PCBs) belongs to a class of products persistent, bio accumulative and toxic synthetic organic chemicals. They are highly lipophilic pollutants and can accumulate in the food chain and adipose tissue. Although the use and production of PCBs have been severely banned in many countries, the legislation allows for the operation of equipment already installed, until it is fully replaced or replaced with a PCB-free product. The present study has the objective of verifying the presence of PCBs in the
Study of the presence of biphenyl polychlorates in the waters of the Bengalas River, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317392328032
Palavras-chave: Biphenyl-polychlorinated (PCBs), Bengalas River, water.
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- Robson Roney Bernardo
- Carla Mariah de Oliveira Fujimaki
- Cleverton Kleiton Freitas de Lima
- Ana Luísa Palhares Miranda