Artigo - Atena Editora


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-In the last three years, stress has intensified due to COVID-19, so it is relevant to seek strategies to identify and cope with it, since it affects the daily life of any person in their emotional, physical, and psychological aspects, particularly among young people aged 18 to 25 years. The objective of this work is to make a proposal of the mobile application Stressting as a strategy, because mobile devices have high local penetration and acceptance among young people, to identify stress levels and prevent crisis situations. The design of Stressting was made with UML, after applying a survey with a stress diagnosis section by means of the Perceived Stress Scale with 10 items to determine the level of stress in university students through a quantitative, descriptive, and correlational study in a sample of 34 students, and unlike other applications it considers a diagnosis and a contact list for personalized attention. The scale was chosen because it has good internal consistency and is one of the most widely used and known internationally. The survey allowed us to know the stress level of the students and to corroborate the interest student in the application. The application is designed to diagnose stress and provide recommendations at the same time. The survey data was processed with Excel and shows that 58.82% of the students present moderate stress and 14.7% high stress, and that males present more stress than females. The scale has a good internal consistency with Alpha Crobach coefficient of 0.816. Stressting will be available free of charge and will allow the generation of general reports that can strengthen their integral formation with the follow-up of institutional tutoring. However, it is important that the institution implements workshops for coping with stress and the development of life skills.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21631223070610

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -Stress diagnosis, academic stress, coping, mobile application, COVID-19.

  • Abstract:


  • Karen Hernández Rueda
  • Martha Patricia Martínez Vargas
  • Laura Elena De Luna Velasco
  • Sandra Elizabeth Hidalgo Pérez
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