Artigo - Atena Editora


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This work aims to expand knowledge about the disabled student, after all, inclusion has arrived in our schools, we constantly receive children with disabilities, whether physical or mental. There are many challenges to be overcome, and the teacher needs to be prepared. Inclusive education has come to add, and its principle is the recognition and appreciation of human differences and this requires from schools conditions to guarantee access and qualified professionals to exercise their function so that the student develops their potential. The importance of using Assistive Technologies in Specialized Educational Service is clear, aiming at the inclusion of students with disabilities, offering services and resources that help them. È Through the Multifunctional Resources rooms, which the Ministry of Education has invested in the technique and implementation of Assisted Technology in the common school, with space destined to carry out the AEE, the disabled has also received a special look.


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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582118111

  • Palavras-chave: Challenges. Inclusion. Deficiency.

  • Keywords: Challenges. Inclusion. Deficiency.

  • Abstract:

    This work aims to expand knowledge about the disabled student, after all the inclusion has arrived in our schools, we constantly receive children with disabilities, whether physical and mental.Muitos os desafios a serem vencidos, e o professor precisa estar preparado. A educação inclusiva veio somar, e tem como princípio o reconhecimento e a valorização das diferenças humanas e isso requer das escolas condições de garantir o acesso e profissionais qualificados para exercer sua função de forma que o aluno desenvolva suas potencialidades.It is clear the importance of the use of assistive technologies in specialized educational care, aiming at the inclusion of students with disabilities, offering services and resources to assist them. It is through the Multifunctional Resource rooms, which the Ministry of Education has invested in the technique and implementation of Assisted Technology in the common school, with space for the realization of the ESA, the disabled have also received a special look. 

  • Número de páginas: 8

  • Alessandra Levertina Almeida de Oliveira
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