Artigo - Atena Editora


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The study presents a theme about the importance of quality control in welded joints and seeks to highlight the advantages found in the welding process with coated electrode. It was possible to understand that welding processes represent a large part of the manufacturing costs of a product and the quality control of welded joints exerts a relevant influence on product performance. A failure in a weld that is not detected in the control process can have serious consequences for the equipment manufacturer and losses for the company. The study concluded that, as it is considered a technique used on a large scale and encompasses several areas of engineering, it is essential that a welding professional seeks knowledge and qualification about the effects of the welding process, especially considering, in addition to the advantages, possible disadvantages and measure to what extent such disadvantages can compromise the process, costs and quality of welding.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317332305017

  • Palavras-chave: Coated electrode. Welding. Advantages

  • Keywords: Coated electrode. Welding. Advantages

  • Abstract:

    The study presents a theme about the importance of quality control in welded joints and seeks to highlight the advantages found in the welding process with coated electrode. It was possible to understand that welding processes represent a large part of the manufacturing costs of a product and the quality control of welded joints exerts a relevant influence on product performance. A failure in a weld that is not detected in the control process can have serious consequences for the equipment manufacturer and losses for the company. The study concluded that, as it is considered a technique used on a large scale and encompasses several areas of engineering, it is essential that a welding professional seeks knowledge and qualification about the effects of the welding process, especially considering, in addition to the advantages, possible disadvantages and measure to what extent such disadvantages can compromise the process, costs and quality of welding.

  • Paulo Henrique Silva dos Santos
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