Artigo - Atena Editora


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Okara is a soybean residue generated during the processing of tofu after the extraction of aqueous fractions. Despite its composition having a high nutritional value in proteins, micronutrients and dietary fibers – which would be an excellent alternative for different markets, especially when we think of the vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian consumer; it is still little explored as a functional ingredient, being used for animal feed or disposal. Due to its high levels of bioactive compounds and functional properties, such as isoflavones, it ends up being a strong ally with regard to the prevention of numerous Non-Transmissible Chronic Diseases. Finally, further exploration is needed in the use of this ingredient, as in addition to leading to less waste, it would also add fiber, bioactive compounds and protein to the diet at a reasonable price.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733142331086

  • Palavras-chave: Soy, okara, by-product.

  • Keywords: Soy, okara, by-product.

  • Abstract:

    Okara is a soybean residue generated during the processing of tofu after the extraction of aqueous fractions. Despite its composition having a high nutritional value in proteins, micronutrients and dietary fibers – which would be an excellent alternative for different markets, especially when we think of the vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian consumer; it is still little explored as a functional ingredient, being used for animal feed or disposal. Due to its high levels of bioactive compounds and functional properties, such as isoflavones, it ends up being a strong ally with regard to the prevention of numerous Non-Transmissible Chronic Diseases. Finally, further exploration is needed in the use of this ingredient, as in addition to leading to less waste, it would also add fiber, bioactive compounds and protein to the diet at a reasonable price.

  • Êmili Cisilotto
  • Emanoele Malinverno
  • Rochele Cassanta Rossi
  • Valmor Ziegler
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