Artigo - Atena Editora


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Software for the Determination and Optimization of Solar Irradiation, as well as the Installation of Photovoltaic Cells in the Built Areas of Public Schools to make them Self-Sustainable with Electrical Energy

This article consists of the development of software to determine solar irradiation in the roof areas of public school buildings in order to take advantage of solar energy, convert it into electricity through photovoltaic cells, which will be for the self-consumption and thus allow substantial savings in electric energy fees for public education institutions, and if possible make them self-sustainable. The generation of electric current will only be limited by the available area, the geographical location, also the cost of each panel, the number of photovoltaic panels required can be determined according to the availability of the area. The generationkilo Watt(kW) (represents the amount of power an electrical appliance needs to operate)of the photovoltaic electrical installation. Within the software, the installation is optimized to avoid shadows between panels, determining the minimum distance between them, which must be between 0.5-0.7m. These panels to be used have an approximate generation capacity of 250 Watts of nominal power (Watts or Watts is the unit of power, just as power is the energy that is produced or consumed, this can be thought of as a measure of electrical flow), In an available installation area of 62 meters long so that our case under study can function correctly) this capacity is sufficient for the entire current electrical installation of the campus, whose consumption is approximately 8.3 kW, which includes lighting, computing equipment, using new materials to change solar light to electric, This will reduce the energy consumption provided by the companies. If it were applied, it would be reducing the pollution that causes the greenhouse effect that affects the environment, all living beings, causing respiratory diseases, cancer, and other destructive natural phenomena.

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Software for the Determination and Optimization of Solar Irradiation, as well as the Installation of Photovoltaic Cells in the Built Areas of Public Schools to make them Self-Sustainable with Electrical Energy

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Photovoltaic panel, Power, solar eradication, dimensions and electrical generation, Watts, Currents, Kilo watt, kilo Wat hour

  • Keywords: Photovoltaic panel, Power, solar eradication, dimensions and electrical generation, Watts, Currents, Kilo watt, kilo Wat hour

  • Abstract:

    This article consists of the development of software to determine solar irradiation in the roof areas of public school buildings in order to take advantage of solar energy, convert it into electricity through photovoltaic cells, which will be for the self-consumption and thus allow substantial savings in electric energy fees for public education institutions, and if possible make them self-sustainable. The generation of electric current will only be limited by the available area, the geographical location, also the cost of each panel, the number of photovoltaic panels required can be determined according to the availability of the area. The generationkilo Watt(kW) (represents the amount of power an electrical appliance needs to operate)of the photovoltaic electrical installation. Within the software, the installation is optimized to avoid shadows between panels, determining the minimum distance between them, which must be between 0.5-0.7m. These panels to be used have an approximate generation capacity of 250 Watts of nominal power (Watts or Watts is the unit of power, just as power is the energy that is produced or consumed, this can be thought of as a measure of electrical flow), In an available installation area of 62 meters long so that our case under study can function correctly) this capacity is sufficient for the entire current electrical installation of the campus, whose consumption is approximately 8.3 kW, which includes lighting, computing equipment, using new materials to change solar light to electric, This will reduce the energy consumption provided by the companies. If it were applied, it would be reducing the pollution that causes the greenhouse effect that affects the environment, all living beings, causing respiratory diseases, cancer, and other destructive natural phenomena.

  • Alfonso Jorge Quevedo Martínez
  • Esiquio Martin Gutierrez Armenta
  • Marco Antonio Gutiérrez Villegas
  • Israel Isaac Gutiérrez Villegas
  • Javier Norberto Gutiérrez Villegas
  • José Alejandro Reyes Ortiz
  • Josué Figueroa González
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