Artigo - Atena Editora


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Among the areas of civil engineering, none of them receives as little importance as the design of hydraulic projects, given that, for a good design, a detailed and delicate analysis is necessary, which takes time. This way, professionals resort to oversizing so that they can meet all demands, thus generating high project, execution and maintenance costs. With this, the purpose is to develop a functional and easily accessible software, in order to assist the user of hydraulic projects in the calculation of head losses in building pipes and sizing of hydraulic pumps, thus contributing to the diffusion knowledge about hydraulic problems. The software was developed from the Java programming language, having its interface created with the help of the NetBeans 8.0.1 IDE, with data entries for solving localized and distributed load loss formulas; where the pressure drop in the pipes will be calculated through the Darcy-Weisbach equation; in order to allow the user to choose a compatible hydraulic pump, thus generating savings in labor, maintenance and even reductions related to energy and water consumption, aiming at more sustainable hydraulic systems. The executable document has satisfactory performance in solving the distributed and localized head loss equations and will be registered at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), guaranteeing its authenticity.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172212216094

  • Palavras-chave: Loss of Load, Software for Loss of Load, Universal Equation.

  • Keywords: Loss of Load, Software for Loss of Load, Universal Equation.

  • Abstract:

    Among the areas of civil engineering, none of them receives as little importance as the design of hydraulic projects, given that, for a good design, a detailed and delicate analysis is necessary, which takes time. This way, professionals resort to oversizing so that they can meet all demands, thus generating high project, execution and maintenance costs. With this, the purpose is to develop a functional and easily accessible software, in order to assist the user of hydraulic projects in the calculation of head losses in building pipes and sizing of hydraulic pumps, thus contributing to the diffusion knowledge about hydraulic problems. The software was developed from the Java programming language, having its interface created with the help of the NetBeans 8.0.1 IDE, with data entries for solving localized and distributed load loss formulas; where the pressure drop in the pipes will be calculated through the Darcy-Weisbach equation; in order to allow the user to choose a compatible hydraulic pump, thus generating savings in labor, maintenance and even reductions related to energy and water consumption, aiming at more sustainable hydraulic systems. The executable document has satisfactory performance in solving the distributed and localized head loss equations and will be registered at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), guaranteeing its authenticity.

  • Laís Gonçalves Ferreira
  • Dawson Tadeu Izola
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