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Use of free software to monitor school learning based on data: a proposal

Technological devices facilitate the reach of knowledge and the expansion of the learning process. More than just serving as a content repository, such devices can collect data that are capable of providing students and educators with information that enable them to review assessment methods, making them more individual and, consequently, assist in the development of personalized learning plans, based on data. Thus, we intend to discuss the creation of a free software platform that allows monitoring the evolution of the students' learning process, in addition to providing new learning strategies and the development of cognitive skills.

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Use of free software to monitor school learning based on data: a proposal

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582292212094

  • Palavras-chave: learning, software, teaching

  • Keywords: learning, software, teaching

  • Abstract:

    Technological devices facilitate the reach of knowledge and the expansion of the learning process. More than just serving as a content repository, such devices can collect data that are capable of providing students and educators with information that enable them to review assessment methods, making them more individual and, consequently, assist in the development of personalized learning plans, based on data. Thus, we intend to discuss the creation of a free software platform that allows monitoring the evolution of the students' learning process, in addition to providing new learning strategies and the development of cognitive skills.

  • Valdemir Pedro Simão
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