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INFORMATION SYSTEM - The Project elaboration

This article, based on the importance of information for today's society, has as the theme Information Technology (IT) focused on the educational context, intending to formalize guidelines for the development of an Information System project applicable in a school. IT makes room for a new “era”, the era of knowledge and information, breaking with the previous paradigm of gradual and predictable changes. Organizations need to put aside the gradualist view regarding the changes that permeate the world reality and markets, understanding that the new situation is one of rapid and inconstant transformations. Decisions need to be adopted very quickly, in times of fierce competition, since postponing decisions can cause enormous losses due to the squandering of opportunity. Thus, the fate of an organization can be profoundly affected by its technological strategies.

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INFORMATION SYSTEM - The Project elaboration

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172292215122

  • Palavras-chave: information technology, school

  • Keywords: information technology, school

  • Abstract:

    This article, based on the importance of information for today's society, has as the theme Information Technology (IT) focused on the educational context, intending to formalize guidelines for the development of an Information System project applicable in a school. IT makes room for a new “era”, the era of knowledge and information, breaking with the previous paradigm of gradual and predictable changes. Organizations need to put aside the gradualist view regarding the changes that permeate the world reality and markets, understanding that the new situation is one of rapid and inconstant transformations. Decisions need to be adopted very quickly, in times of fierce competition, since postponing decisions can cause enormous losses due to the squandering of opportunity. Thus, the fate of an organization can be profoundly affected by its technological strategies.

  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos
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