Síntesis del Crecimiento de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, de 1900 a 2020
Síntesis del Crecimiento de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, de 1900 a 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.558412402019
Palavras-chave: Zona Metropolitana, Ciudad de México, problemáticas urbanas, crecimiento urbano
Keywords: Metropolitan Area, Mexico City, urban problems
Abstract: A synthesis is made of the main factors that have influenced the growth and socioeconomic consolidation of the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City, the largest in the country. Through the identification of certain periods, a series of contours are established that allow us to know the gradual insertion of the municipalities and mayors' offices as part of the Political-Administrative Units where the Urban Area of the metropolis has overflowed. The main urban, social, political, economic, and environmental problems attributed to this expansion are highlighted, while a brief prospective analysis of its future situation is carried out. Finally, through the consultation of specialized bibliography on the subject from institutions such as INEGI, CONAPO or SEDATU and with the support of a Geographic Information System, which allowed the processing of government geostatistical and vector assets, we present a map that describes the process of urban growth through the gradual integration of new municipalities, to finally establish lines of discussion on essential aspects to consider for the future development of the ZMCM
- Herman Barrera Mejia
- Cosme Rene Arreola Valle
- Karla Ivonne Molina Rivera