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Metabolic Syndrome and its Impact on Quality of Life: University Extension as a Prevention Strategy

Metabolic syndrome is a pathological condition determined by a complex set of risk factors (abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia) related to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and associated with a worse quality of life. The high prevalence of this disease and its components in Brazil results in an important public health problem. The objective of this work is to analyze the importance of a university extension as a metabolic syndrome prevention strategy through a brief review of the literature on this topic. Bearing in mind the relevance of a healthy lifestyle, the “Operação Corra do Bisturi” extension demonstrates an important contribution by promoting the detection of risk factors for metabolic syndrome and raising awareness in the community regarding the importance of healthy habits.

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Metabolic Syndrome and its Impact on Quality of Life: University Extension as a Prevention Strategy

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593492303079

  • Palavras-chave: Metabolic Syndrome. Quality of life. Prevention.

  • Keywords: Metabolic Syndrome. Quality of life. Prevention.

  • Abstract:

    Metabolic syndrome is a pathological condition determined by a complex set of risk factors (abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia) related to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and associated with a worse quality of life. The high prevalence of this disease and its components in Brazil results in an important public health problem. The objective of this work is to analyze the importance of a university extension as a metabolic syndrome prevention strategy through a brief review of the literature on this topic. Bearing in mind the relevance of a healthy lifestyle, the “Operação Corra do Bisturi” extension demonstrates an important contribution by promoting the detection of risk factors for metabolic syndrome and raising awareness in the community regarding the importance of healthy habits.

  • Afrânio Almeida Barroso Filho
  • Karmelita Emanuelle Nogueira Torres Antoniollo
  • Lorena Alves Brito
  • Cristina Micheletto Dallago
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