Artigo - Atena Editora


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Animal Separation Anxiety Syndrome (SASA) is one of the most frequent behavioral problems in companion dogs, tending to increase the number of cases due to the lifestyle of modern society. This clinical condition arises as a result of hypervigilance and anxiety in relation to the attachment figure, usually the guardian, which causes intense dependence. The main symptoms presented in the syndrome are: excessive vocalization, destruction of objects, defecation and urination in inappropriate places, mainly when left alone. Animals with at least one of these classic signs associated with three hypervigilance behaviors are considered positive. Behavioral medicine is a field that requires greater attention in veterinary medicine, since animal welfare is being increasingly advocated, which also reflects on the physical health of animals. Therefore, due to the impact it causes on the quality of life of dogs and their tutors, this research aims to identify and correlate the syndrome with several factors to find out which ones are directly related to it through a validated questionnaire applied to tutors of dogs treated at the UNIMAR veterinary hospital, according to criteria published in the literature from August to November 2022. The results showed that 83% of the animals were considered positive for the syndrome, concluding that the current lifestyle and the lack of behavioral orientation of the veterinarian to the tutor directly reflect on the mental and physical health of the dogs.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733923280610

  • Palavras-chave: anxiety in dogs, animal behavior, canine hyperlinking

  • Keywords: anxiety in dogs, animal behavior, canine hyperlinking

  • Abstract:

    Animal Separation Anxiety Syndrome (SASA) is one of the most frequent behavioral problems in companion dogs, tending to increase the number of cases due to the lifestyle of modern society. This clinical condition arises as a result of hypervigilance and anxiety in relation to the attachment figure, usually the guardian, which causes intense dependence. The main symptoms presented in the syndrome are: excessive vocalization, destruction of objects, defecation and urination in inappropriate places, mainly when left alone. Animals with at least one of these classic signs associated with three hypervigilance behaviors are considered positive. Behavioral medicine is a field that requires greater attention in veterinary medicine, since animal welfare is being increasingly advocated, which also reflects on the physical health of animals. Therefore, due to the impact it causes on the quality of life of dogs and their tutors, this research aims to identify and correlate the syndrome with several factors to find out which ones are directly related to it through a validated questionnaire applied to tutors of dogs treated at the UNIMAR veterinary hospital, according to criteria published in the literature from August to November 2022. The results showed that 83% of the animals were considered positive for the syndrome, concluding that the current lifestyle and the lack of behavioral orientation of the veterinarian to the tutor directly reflect on the mental and physical health of the dogs.

  • Eduarda Pires Garcia
  • Fábio Fernando Ribeiro Manhoso
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