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Simulation and optimization for a lignocellulosic biorefinery considering social, economic and environmental indicators

This research raises and solve the simulation and later multi-objective optimization problem of a lignocellulosic biorefinery, considering an economic, environmental, and social aspect. The biorefinery produces from the residue corncob, until five biochem- ical products: xylitol, succinic and lactic acid, bioethanol and lignosulfonate. In the simulation of the biorefinery,  we choose eleven decision variables based on a previ- ous sensibility analysis for their response in the economic and environmental objective function. The economic and environmental objective function were measured with the economic profit and the global warming potential by the CO2 emissions. The novelty relapse in the social index, that is formulated based on three social indicators reported by Mexican government and what allows us to identify and propose five possible loca- tions of the biorefinery. Finally, the optimization results will determine which of the five locations, in addition to configuration and production of the biorefinery, were the best.

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Simulation and optimization for a lignocellulosic biorefinery considering social, economic and environmental indicators

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172142206079

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    This research raises and solve the simulation and later multi-objective optimization problem of a lignocellulosic biorefinery, considering an economic, environmental, and social aspect. The biorefinery produces from the residue corncob, until five biochem- ical products: xylitol, succinic and lactic acid, bioethanol and lignosulfonate. In the simulation of the biorefinery,  we choose eleven decision variables based on a previ- ous sensibility analysis for their response in the economic and environmental objective function. The economic and environmental objective function were measured with the economic profit and the global warming potential by the CO2 emissions. The novelty relapse in the social index, that is formulated based on three social indicators reported by Mexican government and what allows us to identify and propose five possible loca- tions of the biorefinery. Finally, the optimization results will determine which of the five locations, in addition to configuration and production of the biorefinery, were the best.

  • Número de páginas: 30

  • Martín Rivera-Toledo
  • Georgina Meneses-Castellanos
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