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Meanings of mathematics in the discourse of boys and girls in primary education: a gender perspective.

This research addresses the issue of gender in mathematics education, and its purpose is to understand the meaning attributed to mathematics education by students in the fifth year of primary education from a gender perspective. The methodology used is of a qualitative-descriptive nature and the data collection technique corresponds to a focus group that was applied with 24 students in the fifth year of primary education (10 to 11 years of age) in two public schools in the province of Talca, Chile (11 and 13 participants respectively, 50% of them girls in each school). In general terms, the data collected show a negative conception of mathematics as a difficult subject, although they recognize it as one of the most important learning sub-sectors and their future projections are linked to this discipline. In the analysis of the results from a gender perspective, gender stereotypes are evident in the conceptions they have about mathematics, since it is stated (girls and boys) that men have greater mathematical skills and that they have developed more capacities to develop in careers related to mathematics. However, there is evidence of positive attitudes towards mathematics on the part of girls, who trust that effort will allow them to have good results and, consequently, to opt for professional careers related to mathematics in the future. 

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Meanings of mathematics in the discourse of boys and girls in primary education: a gender perspective.

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Mathematics education, gender stereotypes, primary education.

  • Keywords: Mathematics education, gender stereotypes, primary education.

  • Abstract:

    This research addresses the issue of gender in mathematics education, and its purpose is to understand the meaning attributed to mathematics education by students in the fifth year of primary education from a gender perspective. The methodology used is of a qualitative-descriptive nature and the data collection technique corresponds to a focus group that was applied with 24 students in the fifth year of primary education (10 to 11 years of age) in two public schools in the province of Talca, Chile (11 and 13 participants respectively, 50% of them girls in each school). In general terms, the data collected show a negative conception of mathematics as a difficult subject, although they recognize it as one of the most important learning sub-sectors and their future projections are linked to this discipline. In the analysis of the results from a gender perspective, gender stereotypes are evident in the conceptions they have about mathematics, since it is stated (girls and boys) that men have greater mathematical skills and that they have developed more capacities to develop in careers related to mathematics. However, there is evidence of positive attitudes towards mathematics on the part of girls, who trust that effort will allow them to have good results and, consequently, to opt for professional careers related to mathematics in the future. 

  • María José Seckel
  • Sofía Parada-Alfaro
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