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This article is the result of reflections undertaken in the university extension developed in the Social Service course at the Federal University of Goiás/Regional Goiás (UFG/RG), entitled - Social Service and Ethnic Racial Relations. This is an experience report of the extension activity, in which the theoretical-methodological and ethical-political basis used depart from the construction of the long process of consolidation of the Social Work profession, which are central in the guidelines of its representative entities, of which stand out the set of Social Service Councils - Federal Council of Social Service (CFESS), Regional Councils of Social Service (CRESS), as well as the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Service (ABEPSS) and the National Executive of Social Work Students (ENESSO). These representative entities guide towards permanent and continuous training, structured on the tripod of teaching-research and extension. Therefore, reflecting on the ethnic-racial debate is central to the consolidation of the ethical-political project of Social Work. Furthermore, it is about working in front of the demands imposed by the capital system that are based on the social issue and its multiple expressions. Therefore, it seeks to guarantee rights that are in line with a society free of all types of arbitration and exploitation, such as race, gender, ethnicity and class. The objective of this article is: to partially undertake what the studies, reflections and analyzes of the categories – race/ethnicity for Social Work – are about, in order to establish and appropriate the ethical, theoretical and political principles required in the consolidation of the Professional Ethical-Political Project of professional work. Therefore, when seeking to undertake reflections on the ethnic-racial dimension, we seek to affirm the Ethical-political commitment in the training process through projects that are in line with the tripod of the university - extension, research and teaching - in the construction of a reflection that considers both the singularities of race and ethnicity, and the possibility of universality of affirmative policies to face the social question contained in social relations, whose structural racism appears as an expression of the process of Brazilian colonization by Europeans.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163202314081

  • Palavras-chave: Social Service. Racial Ethnic Relations. University Extension.

  • Keywords: Social Service. Racial Ethnic Relations. University Extension.

  • Abstract:

    This article is the result of reflections undertaken in the university extension developed in the Social Service course at the Federal University of Goiás/Regional Goiás (UFG/RG), entitled - Social Service and Ethnic Racial Relations. This is an experience report of the extension activity, in which the theoretical-methodological and ethical-political basis used depart from the construction of the long process of consolidation of the Social Work profession, which are central in the guidelines of its representative entities, of which stand out the set of Social Service Councils - Federal Council of Social Service (CFESS), Regional Councils of Social Service (CRESS), as well as the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Service (ABEPSS) and the National Executive of Social Work Students (ENESSO). These representative entities guide towards permanent and continuous training, structured on the tripod of teaching-research and extension. Therefore, reflecting on the ethnic-racial debate is central to the consolidation of the ethical-political project of Social Work. Furthermore, it is about working in front of the demands imposed by the capital system that are based on the social issue and its multiple expressions. Therefore, it seeks to guarantee rights that are in line with a society free of all types of arbitration and exploitation, such as race, gender, ethnicity and class. The objective of this article is: to partially undertake what the studies, reflections and analyzes of the categories – race/ethnicity for Social Work – are about, in order to establish and appropriate the ethical, theoretical and political principles required in the consolidation of the Professional Ethical-Political Project of professional work. Therefore, when seeking to undertake reflections on the ethnic-racial dimension, we seek to affirm the Ethical-political commitment in the training process through projects that are in line with the tripod of the university - extension, research and teaching - in the construction of a reflection that considers both the singularities of race and ethnicity, and the possibility of universality of affirmative policies to face the social question contained in social relations, whose structural racism appears as an expression of the process of Brazilian colonization by Europeans.

  • Edgar Antônio Nery Alves Camelo
  • George Francisco Ceolin
  • Tereza Cristina Pires Fávaro
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