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Atrial fibrillation screening by innovative device: apple watch. A paradigm shift in propaedeutics?

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia that is characterized by disorganized electrical activation of the atria. AF is very prevalent in the clinic, and its consequences overwhelm the public health system. Therefore, its early diagnosis is very important so that the therapeutic approach is efficient and avoids future damage. The Apple Watch series4® (AW4) watch detects AF. With it, it is possible to obtain an electrocardiogram from a lead in just 30s. This research aimed to detect individuals with AF, through the AW4, and thus evaluate its use and viability as a method ofscreening. As well as showing the importance of its introduction in basic health care. For this purpose, a total of 100 patients attended at public health units in Indaiatuba, aged over 65 years, were examined with the watch and a questionnaire related to care and basic health habits was applied to them. The electrocardiograms with AF found by the watch were confirmed with a traditional electrocardiogram. Of the total, 3% had AF and, of these, 66% did not know they had the condition. Also, 66% of them had hypertension controlled by medication and fasting blood glucose was above 120 mg/dl, but only 33% declared themselves diabetic. The findings in this paper have shown that the AW4 is a powerful AF case finding tool and a very important screening method in primary health care, since it is easy, effective, and feasible for doctors to use to diagnose AF.

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Atrial fibrillation screening by innovative device: apple watch. A paradigm shift in propaedeutics?

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593322328043

  • Palavras-chave: Atrial fibrillation; electrocardiogram; clock

  • Keywords: Atrial fibrillation; electrocardiogram; clock

  • Abstract:

    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia that is characterized by disorganized electrical activation of the atria. AF is very prevalent in the clinic, and its consequences overwhelm the public health system. Therefore, its early diagnosis is very important so that the therapeutic approach is efficient and avoids future damage. The Apple Watch series4® (AW4) watch detects AF. With it, it is possible to obtain an electrocardiogram from a lead in just 30s. This research aimed to detect individuals with AF, through the AW4, and thus evaluate its use and viability as a method ofscreening. As well as showing the importance of its introduction in basic health care. For this purpose, a total of 100 patients attended at public health units in Indaiatuba, aged over 65 years, were examined with the watch and a questionnaire related to care and basic health habits was applied to them. The electrocardiograms with AF found by the watch were confirmed with a traditional electrocardiogram. Of the total, 3% had AF and, of these, 66% did not know they had the condition. Also, 66% of them had hypertension controlled by medication and fasting blood glucose was above 120 mg/dl, but only 33% declared themselves diabetic. The findings in this paper have shown that the AW4 is a powerful AF case finding tool and a very important screening method in primary health care, since it is easy, effective, and feasible for doctors to use to diagnose AF.

  • Miquéias Oliveira Lima Fernandes
  • Ana Cláudia Alves Pereira
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