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The relationship between the environment, man and society strengthens its ties when it is verified that, in a short period, the environmental issue has been absorbed by the most diverse sectors of society. Study with the objective of identifying how systemic thinking can help balance the individual's mental health in relation to the problems arising from the environment. This is a qualitative study, a systematic literature review, of complete articles, published online between 2000 and 2020. In a stable, economically settled and socially harmonious environment, the individual is disease-free. Individuals who do not formulate mental health problems are increasingly seeking assistance from social and human services. Cases of mental suffering increase considerably, many related to anxiety and depression, psychiatric disorders of a society that lives more and more under pressure. The health-mind connection appears as one of the most striking aspects of this social phenomenon, which must be analyzed in the light of Systems Thinking. It is concluded that the binomial environment – ​​mental health is directly linked to the dynamics of population growth and the moral obligation towards other living beings and future generations.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592742224117

  • Palavras-chave: Environment. Mental health. Systemic Thinking.

  • Keywords: Environment. Mental health. Systemic Thinking.

  • Abstract:

    The relationship between the environment, man and society strengthens its ties when it is verified that, in a short period, the environmental issue has been absorbed by the most diverse sectors of society. Study with the objective of identifying how systemic thinking can help balance the individual's mental health in relation to the problems arising from the environment. This is a qualitative study, a systematic literature review, of complete articles, published online between 2000 and 2020. In a stable, economically settled and socially harmonious environment, the individual is disease-free. Individuals who do not formulate mental health problems are increasingly seeking assistance from social and human services. Cases of mental suffering increase considerably, many related to anxiety and depression, psychiatric disorders of a society that lives more and more under pressure. The health-mind connection appears as one of the most striking aspects of this social phenomenon, which must be analyzed in the light of Systems Thinking. It is concluded that the binomial environment – ​​mental health is directly linked to the dynamics of population growth and the moral obligation towards other living beings and future generations.

  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos
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