Artigo - Atena Editora


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Extracapsular rupture of a breast implant with contralateral lymphadenopathy: a case report

Goals: To report the case of a patient with a history of left radical mastectomy, associated with the inclusion of a breast implant, with subsequent rupture of the prosthesis capsule. Methodology: Review of medical records, interview with the patient, photographic record of diagnostic methods and literature review. Case report: Female, 52 years old, who underwent left radical mastectomy in 2003 due to Paget's disease and a silicone breast implant was inserted in the respective breast. She evolved with extracapsular rupture of the implant, associated with ipsilateral axillary silicone lymphadenopathy, in 2020. Finally, she underwent prosthesis explant surgery in 2021, with immediate completion of fat grafting in the left breast, which had previously been mastectomized, and removal of right breast breast tissue for mastoplasty and breast proportion. Final considerations: Despite being a simple procedure, breast surgeries have complications and it is necessary to disclose them to patients before performing the intervention.

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Extracapsular rupture of a breast implant with contralateral lymphadenopathy: a case report

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592612213109

  • Palavras-chave: Post-operative complications; Breast Implant; mastectomy.

  • Keywords: Post-operative complications; Breast Implant; mastectomy.

  • Abstract:

    Goals: To report the case of a patient with a history of left radical mastectomy, associated with the inclusion of a breast implant, with subsequent rupture of the prosthesis capsule. Methodology: Review of medical records, interview with the patient, photographic record of diagnostic methods and literature review. Case report: Female, 52 years old, who underwent left radical mastectomy in 2003 due to Paget's disease and a silicone breast implant was inserted in the respective breast. She evolved with extracapsular rupture of the implant, associated with ipsilateral axillary silicone lymphadenopathy, in 2020. Finally, she underwent prosthesis explant surgery in 2021, with immediate completion of fat grafting in the left breast, which had previously been mastectomized, and removal of right breast breast tissue for mastoplasty and breast proportion. Final considerations: Despite being a simple procedure, breast surgeries have complications and it is necessary to disclose them to patients before performing the intervention.

  • Lorena Marques Heck de Piau Vieira
  • Isabella Taynah Rodrigues Nogueira Dias
  • Laura Fernandes Ferreira
  • Flávio Rocha Gil3
  • Adelaide Maria Ferreira Campos D’Ávila
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