Artigo - Atena Editora


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Report the occurrence of bilateral corneal shield retention in a leopard gecko, with the formation of a periocular abscess in the right eye, causing total visual deficit, leading to anorexia and poor general condition. Case report: Animal under inadequate management for three years, until an increase in volume in the periocular region was noticed and specialized care was sought. On physical examination, several regions of dysecdysis were detected causing deformities; management and feeding guidelines were provided by the responsible clinician, who guided the use of antibiotics, systemic anti-inflammatories, and necessary vitamin supplements. During the ophthalmological evaluation, several layers of the shield were identified as retained in both eyes, making vision impossible, with the right eye showing a significant increase in volume in the periorbita, leading to enophthalmitis and adherence of shields to the palpebral edges, in the left eye corneal adhesion was found, but movement eyelid present. As a topical treatment, warm compresses were applied four times a day, and instillation of 10% N-Acetylcysteine + 1% sodium hyaluranate-based lubricant, six times a day. The lack of vision led the animal to total inappetence, progressing with a worsening of body score and poor response to established protocols. The surgical proposal could not be carried out due to the patient's poor general condition and he died. Results: The need for management corrections and intensive care is extremely important for maintaining the general condition, allowing the necessary interventions for resolution. Conclusion: Visual acuity is extremely important, and in several species, it can interfere and impede their vital functions and abilities.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: dysecdysis, horny shield, veterinary ophthalmology.

  • Keywords: dysecdysis, horny shield, veterinary ophthalmology.

  • Abstract:

    Report the occurrence of bilateral corneal shield retention in a leopard gecko, with the formation of a periocular abscess in the right eye, causing total visual deficit, leading to anorexia and poor general condition. Case report: Animal under inadequate management for three years, until an increase in volume in the periocular region was noticed and specialized care was sought. On physical examination, several regions of dysecdysis were detected causing deformities; management and feeding guidelines were provided by the responsible clinician, who guided the use of antibiotics, systemic anti-inflammatories, and necessary vitamin supplements. During the ophthalmological evaluation, several layers of the shield were identified as retained in both eyes, making vision impossible, with the right eye showing a significant increase in volume in the periorbita, leading to enophthalmitis and adherence of shields to the palpebral edges, in the left eye corneal adhesion was found, but movement eyelid present. As a topical treatment, warm compresses were applied four times a day, and instillation of 10% N-Acetylcysteine + 1% sodium hyaluranate-based lubricant, six times a day. The lack of vision led the animal to total inappetence, progressing with a worsening of body score and poor response to established protocols. The surgical proposal could not be carried out due to the patient's poor general condition and he died. Results: The need for management corrections and intensive care is extremely important for maintaining the general condition, allowing the necessary interventions for resolution. Conclusion: Visual acuity is extremely important, and in several species, it can interfere and impede their vital functions and abilities.

  • Tatiane Dalla Justina de Morais
  • Ricardo Augusto Pecora
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