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Using ontological representation in the copper leaching domain for operation mode plan recommendation


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Using ontological representation in the copper leaching domain for operation mode plan recommendation

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173362325104

  • Palavras-chave: Ontological representation, Recommendation system, Heap leaching, Planning of mining operation modes.

  • Keywords: Ontological representation, Recommendation system, Heap leaching, Planning of mining operation modes.

  • Abstract:

    The performance of a leach heap is directly related to the planning of the processes related to the exploitation of the heap. Efficient planning must consider mineral resources and operating conditions to provide an optimal and realistic strategy for copper extraction and processing. Carrying out the task of planning modes of operation requires a significant effort in information generation, analysis and design. Once the operating mode plans have been made, it is important to make decisions to select the most appropriate one, and in this context, having an intelligent system that supports the planning and decision making of the operating mode is important for the industry. of copper in Chile. This work presents the design of the ontological representation of knowledge to support the development of a prototype of a recommendation system for modes of operation in mining, which allows optimizing the planning of a copper leaching process in heaps.

  • Claudio Leiva
  • Víctor Flores
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