Artigo - Atena Editora


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This study aimed to analyze representations of mathematics teachers from the Municipal Public Network of RJ on training for citizenship through mathematics. To this end, he focused on his perceptions of the difficulties in exercising this function and on the limitations arising from his professional training, as well as proposals to overcome them with a view to improving his teaching practice. Theoretically, the work was based on scholars of education, concerned with the teaching of mathematics within the social context and as an instrument of its transformation. For the success of this attempt, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 64 teachers working in basic education in school units located on Ilha do Governador and neighboring neighborhoods. The data were interpreted under the mixed approach, quantitative/qualitative. The results suggest, more intensely among professors with less academic training, great concern for dimensions located in the formal teaching of contents and limitations regarding the critical view of social issues and the educational problems that surround them, which are increasingly complex and interdisciplinary. From the results, some suggestions are presented that refer to the reorientation of teacher training in mathematics. Such reorientation must point to the development of this professional's awareness of their social and interdisciplinary importance. This means encouraging their collective participation in struggles for professional development, for the improvement and updating of their teaching practice, which implies their insertion in the universe of new technologies, fundamental points for improving the quality of public-school education.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583272303089

  • Palavras-chave: teachers, professional updating, citizenship.

  • Keywords: teachers, professional updating, citizenship.

  • Abstract:

    This study aimed to analyze representations of mathematics teachers from the Municipal Public Network of RJ on training for citizenship through mathematics. To this end, he focused on his perceptions of the difficulties in exercising this function and on the limitations arising from his professional training, as well as proposals to overcome them with a view to improving his teaching practice. Theoretically, the work was based on scholars of education, concerned with the teaching of mathematics within the social context and as an instrument of its transformation. For the success of this attempt, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 64 teachers working in basic education in school units located on Ilha do Governador and neighboring neighborhoods. The data were interpreted under the mixed approach, quantitative/qualitative. The results suggest, more intensely among professors with less academic training, great concern for dimensions located in the formal teaching of contents and limitations regarding the critical view of social issues and the educational problems that surround them, which are increasingly complex and interdisciplinary. From the results, some suggestions are presented that refer to the reorientation of teacher training in mathematics. Such reorientation must point to the development of this professional's awareness of their social and interdisciplinary importance. This means encouraging their collective participation in struggles for professional development, for the improvement and updating of their teaching practice, which implies their insertion in the universe of new technologies, fundamental points for improving the quality of public-school education.

  • José Carlos Teixeira Pistilli
  • Tamara Tania Cohen Egler
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