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This article aims to investigate how a Virtual Learning Environment could be organized during the pandemic to cover Mathematics content in Higher Education in order to give students autonomy, without interrupting their studies. To this end, the new Coronavirus pandemic was contextualized (INSTITUTO BUTANTÃ, 2021; OPAS, 2020; VIEIRA & SILVA, 2020), as well as the Virtual Learning Environment (VELOSO & MILL, 2021; GAMA, 2014; MORAN, 2018), the Flipped Classroom (TORI, 2020) and learning trails (LIMA, 2019), through bibliographic and documentary research. Furthermore, the authors' experience in building a Virtual Learning Environment is presented, based on the Flipped Classroom theory, which was designed to be applied to pre-calculus classes in a Higher Education institution. Among the results obtained, it was noticed that the Virtual Learning Environment helps in the development of student skills such as autonomy, responsibility, personal organization and dedication. Furthermore, even students with learning problems benefit both from the multiple activities and circuits proposed on the trails, and from the special attention provided by the team of teachers and monitors who supervise and facilitate the process in this new and rich school space.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Remote Teaching; Mathematics Education; Teaching in Engineering.

  • Keywords: Remote Teaching; Mathematics Education; Teaching in Engineering.

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to investigate how a Virtual Learning Environment could be organized during the pandemic to cover Mathematics content in Higher Education in order to give students autonomy, without interrupting their studies. To this end, the new Coronavirus pandemic was contextualized (INSTITUTO BUTANTÃ, 2021; OPAS, 2020; VIEIRA & SILVA, 2020), as well as the Virtual Learning Environment (VELOSO & MILL, 2021; GAMA, 2014; MORAN, 2018), the Flipped Classroom (TORI, 2020) and learning trails (LIMA, 2019), through bibliographic and documentary research. Furthermore, the authors' experience in building a Virtual Learning Environment is presented, based on the Flipped Classroom theory, which was designed to be applied to pre-calculus classes in a Higher Education institution. Among the results obtained, it was noticed that the Virtual Learning Environment helps in the development of student skills such as autonomy, responsibility, personal organization and dedication. Furthermore, even students with learning problems benefit both from the multiple activities and circuits proposed on the trails, and from the special attention provided by the team of teachers and monitors who supervise and facilitate the process in this new and rich school space.

  • Ubirajara Carnevale de Moraes
  • Vera Lucia Antonio Azevedo
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