Artigo - Atena Editora


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Depression has different types and causes and is considered a global health problem. In general, according to the DMS-5, the types of depression vary depending on the duration of the episodes, severity and set of symptoms present. For this study, regarding the consequences of this disorder, the definition used by DeCS (Descriptors in Health Science) for depressive disorder was considered: “Affective disorder that manifests itself both in a dysphoric mood and in the loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities”. Depression is also related to impaired transmission in some central aminergic synapses, due to defects in the production, transfer or loss of amines, which negatively affect the individual in their daily activities, making them unproductive and depressed, which leads to carriers often commit suicide. Furthermore, this disorder can be discussed regarding the dysregulation of neurotransmitters and hormones that are important for the sensation of pleasure, reward and happiness. It is therefore inferred that this study's general objective is to determine the effects of physical exercise on the health – physical, mental and social – of people with depressive disorders. In order to present a clear and objective treatment alternative for carrier patients, the present study used the databases compiled in BVMS (MS Virtual Health Library) and PUBMED to explain the effects observed in individuals.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Exercise. Depression. Neurotransmitters.

  • Keywords: Exercise. Depression. Neurotransmitters.

  • Abstract:

    Depression has different types and causes and is considered a global health problem. In general, according to the DMS-5, the types of depression vary depending on the duration of the episodes, severity and set of symptoms present. For this study, regarding the consequences of this disorder, the definition used by DeCS (Descriptors in Health Science) for depressive disorder was considered: “Affective disorder that manifests itself both in a dysphoric mood and in the loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities”. Depression is also related to impaired transmission in some central aminergic synapses, due to defects in the production, transfer or loss of amines, which negatively affect the individual in their daily activities, making them unproductive and depressed, which leads to carriers often commit suicide. Furthermore, this disorder can be discussed regarding the dysregulation of neurotransmitters and hormones that are important for the sensation of pleasure, reward and happiness. It is therefore inferred that this study's general objective is to determine the effects of physical exercise on the health – physical, mental and social – of people with depressive disorders. In order to present a clear and objective treatment alternative for carrier patients, the present study used the databases compiled in BVMS (MS Virtual Health Library) and PUBMED to explain the effects observed in individuals.

  • João Pedro Rezende Leite
  • Lara Santana Rodrigues
  • Geovanna Marta Gouveia Mendes
  • Kamylla Alves Feitosa
  • Amanda Tollini de Moraes
  • Helen Mendes Teixeira
  • Kamile Vitória Ferreira Machado da Costa
  • Mateus Coelho Paiva
  • Giovanna Rodrigues Guirau
  • Thayná Matos da Silva de Almeida
  • Vinicius Nunes Miranda
  • Mariane Lima Coelho
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