Artigo - Atena Editora


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Interprofessional Education (IPE) is of paramount importance for health education activities, as it has been gaining more space to the detriment of care for the health-disease process, different areas that complement each other and seek to solve health issues. The concept of Health Education consists of the production and systematization of knowledge related to training and development for health work, involving teaching practices, didactic guidelines and curricular guidance. Its practice aims to make people aware of emancipation and responsibility in health care, and enables and encourages emancipatory attitudes on health issues. It must be based on dialogue, providing opportunities for the exchange of experiences, in an environment where all knowledge and experiences are valued and subjects are considered in all their dimensions. One of the principles of the Education through Work for Health Program (PET-SAÚDE) is to make students live the experience of teaching-service-community, putting all theoretical learning into practice, seeking to enrich their professional background through of the activities developed and implemented within the scope of the project. These practices are used as a means of facilitating and strengthening teamwork, with greater integration and respect for each area, always seeking to improve the patient/community.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592792210124

  • Palavras-chave: Interprofessional education. Health education. Primary Health Care.

  • Keywords: Interprofessional education. Health education. Primary Health Care.

  • Abstract:

    Interprofessional Education (IPE) is of paramount importance for health education activities, as it has been gaining more space to the detriment of care for the health-disease process, different areas that complement each other and seek to solve health issues. The concept of Health Education consists of the production and systematization of knowledge related to training and development for health work, involving teaching practices, didactic guidelines and curricular guidance. Its practice aims to make people aware of emancipation and responsibility in health care, and enables and encourages emancipatory attitudes on health issues. It must be based on dialogue, providing opportunities for the exchange of experiences, in an environment where all knowledge and experiences are valued and subjects are considered in all their dimensions. One of the principles of the Education through Work for Health Program (PET-SAÚDE) is to make students live the experience of teaching-service-community, putting all theoretical learning into practice, seeking to enrich their professional background through of the activities developed and implemented within the scope of the project. These practices are used as a means of facilitating and strengthening teamwork, with greater integration and respect for each area, always seeking to improve the patient/community.

  • Bruna Maria Pinto Acioly Melo
  • Cahren Sallyha Mousinho Lucena Tigre de Lisbôa
  • Isadora Bianco Cardoso de Menezes
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