Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Breast milk provides the newborn with protection against certain diseases and can reduce the risk of infant mortality by 20% compared to non-breastfed babies. The nutritional components of breast milk, combined with the immunological and anti-allergic properties, guarantee the newborn's healthy growth and development. Faced with the many benefits that breastfeeding offers, the nutritionist has a great role in helping this process, from prenatal care. The general objective of this study was to address the relevance of prenatal nutrition and breastfeeding for the newborn. Method: The bibliographic and qualitative methodology guided this study, which contributed to achieve the objectives through articles, books, scientific journals and theses prepared in the last 10 years, with the premise of absorbing the maximum of current content, mitigating the collection of information old and/or outdated. Results and Discussion: The main conclusions were that breastfeeding guarantees numerous benefits not only for the newborn, but also for the new mother, reinforcing through numerous studies and data that this is an important practice to be adopted, with the nutritionist and the entire health team as an encourager and promoter of information and benefits of breast milk for both. Final Thoughts: Breastfeeding is certainly the ideal solution to grow according to nature. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients, in the right amount and in the most assimilable form for the ideal development of all the baby's functions, this fact is described with a large number of references cited in this study.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593402301065

  • Palavras-chave: Nutrition; Breastfeeding; Prenatal; Baby health.

  • Keywords: Nutrition; Breastfeeding; Prenatal; Baby health.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Breast milk provides the newborn with protection against certain diseases and can reduce the risk of infant mortality by 20% compared to non-breastfed babies. The nutritional components of breast milk, combined with the immunological and anti-allergic properties, guarantee the newborn's healthy growth and development. Faced with the many benefits that breastfeeding offers, the nutritionist has a great role in helping this process, from prenatal care. The general objective of this study was to address the relevance of prenatal nutrition and breastfeeding for the newborn. Method: The bibliographic and qualitative methodology guided this study, which contributed to achieve the objectives through articles, books, scientific journals and theses prepared in the last 10 years, with the premise of absorbing the maximum of current content, mitigating the collection of information old and/or outdated. Results and Discussion: The main conclusions were that breastfeeding guarantees numerous benefits not only for the newborn, but also for the new mother, reinforcing through numerous studies and data that this is an important practice to be adopted, with the nutritionist and the entire health team as an encourager and promoter of information and benefits of breast milk for both. Final Thoughts: Breastfeeding is certainly the ideal solution to grow according to nature. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients, in the right amount and in the most assimilable form for the ideal development of all the baby's functions, this fact is described with a large number of references cited in this study.

  • Danielle Benevinuto Cruz
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