Artigo - Atena Editora


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This article aims to present a proposal for teaching practice in Geography, with an emphasis on Geographic Climatology, through the use of photographs to interpret climatic phenomena, using these images as a trigger (or motivating elements) to awaken reasoning aware of the topics covered in the classroom. This didactic experience was carried out with students in the 1st year of Technical High School at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), based on the Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and other theorists, highlighting the importance of teaching-learning applied to the reality experienced. by students in their daily lives, seeking to bring theoretical and abstract concepts closer together for a more effective understanding combined with student practice. As a methodology, two teachers from the Department of Geosciences (DGEO), at that institution, supervised a didactic-pedagogical dynamic with 7 (seven) classes, using as a pedagogical resource photographs that portrayed specific climatic phenomena (such as the melting of snow in the desert of Sahara). The aim was to stimulate collaborative learning among its students, seeking to break with the initial view of the fact that, for many students and even teachers, learning about these climate topics is often considered “abstract and complex”. To conclude this didactic proposal, there was a discussion and analysis of the results, considered positive and significant by the teachers, highlighting the greater involvement and development of autonomy of the students involved in this topic.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583402319105

  • Palavras-chave: Teaching Geography; geographic reasoning; images/photographs.

  • Keywords: Teaching Geography; geographic reasoning; images/photographs.

  • Abstract:

    ABSTRACT: This article aims to present a proposal for teaching practice in Geography, with an emphasis on Geographic Climatology, through the use of photographs to interpret climatic phenomena, using these images as a trigger (or motivating elements) to awaken reasoning aware of the topics covered in the classroom. This didactic experience was carried out with students in the 1st year of Technical High School at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), based on the Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and other theorists, highlighting the importance of teaching-learning applied to the reality experienced. by students in their daily lives, seeking to bring theoretical and abstract concepts closer together for a more effective understanding combined with student practice. As a methodology, two teachers from the Department of Geosciences (DGEO), at that institution, supervised a didactic-pedagogical dynamic with 7 (seven) classes, using as a pedagogical resource photographs that portrayed specific climatic phenomena (such as the melting of snow in the desert of Sahara). The aim was to stimulate collaborative learning among its students, seeking to break with the initial view of the fact that, for many students and even teachers, learning about these climate topics is often considered “abstract and complex”. To conclude this didactic proposal, there was a discussion and analysis of the results, considered positive and significant by the teachers, highlighting the greater involvement and development of autonomy of the students involved in this topic.

  • Rosália Caldas Sanábio de Oliveira
  • Carolina Dias de Oliveira
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