Artigo - Atena Editora


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The use of swimming pools for recreational purposes is associated with several benefits for the health and well-being of its users, however it is necessary to monitor the quality of the water in terms of public health. With the aim of evaluating the microbiological quality of swimming pool water, the results of 1280 water samples from swimming pools in the North of Portugal were analyzed. The evaluation of the water quality was carried out through the research and quantification of microorganisms viable at 37ºC, Coliform Bacteria, Enterococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Coagulase Positive Staphylococci and the Total Number of Staphylococci. The results showed that, in general, 68.4% of the samples were classified from the microbiological point of view as conforming water. The microbiological parameters that most frequently exceeded the limit value were Total Staphylococci 24.1% (n=309) and P. aeruginosa 6.3% (n=81). Enterococci and E. coli were the microorganisms that showed the lowest percentage of samples above the established limit value, 1.7% (n=22) and 0.8% (n=10) respectively.
The physical-chemical parameters most related to the occurrence of microorganisms in the water samples studied were pH and free residual chlorine.
Despite the microbiological quality of swimming pool water in the North of Portugal being, in general, acceptable, it is necessary to review the treatment process for swimming pool water whose results were Non-Compliant. And consequently, to verify the need for intervention to improve the general operating conditions of the pools.
Controlling the quality of these waters fundamentally depends on adequate management that combines disinfection, monitoring of water quality and increasing the knowledge of pool users about the risks of potential diseases.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593572302087

  • Palavras-chave: swimming pool water, microbiological quality, physical-chemical quality, indicator microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms.

  • Keywords: swimming pool water, microbiological quality, physical-chemical quality, indicator microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms.

  • Abstract:

    The use of swimming pools for recreational purposes is associated with several benefits for the health and well-being of its users, however it is necessary to monitor the quality of the water in terms of public health. With the aim of evaluating the microbiological quality of swimming pool water, the results of 1280 water samples from swimming pools in the North of Portugal were analyzed. The evaluation of the water quality was carried out through the research and quantification of microorganisms viable at 37ºC, Coliform Bacteria, Enterococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Coagulase Positive Staphylococci and the Total Number of Staphylococci. The results showed that, in general, 68.4% of the samples were classified from the microbiological point of view as conforming water. The microbiological parameters that most frequently exceeded the limit value were Total Staphylococci 24.1% (n=309) and P. aeruginosa 6.3% (n=81). Enterococci and E. coli were the microorganisms that showed the lowest percentage of samples above the established limit value, 1.7% (n=22) and 0.8% (n=10) respectively.
    The physical-chemical parameters most related to the occurrence of microorganisms in the water samples studied were pH and free residual chlorine.
    Despite the microbiological quality of swimming pool water in the North of Portugal being, in general, acceptable, it is necessary to review the treatment process for swimming pool water whose results were Non-Compliant. And consequently, to verify the need for intervention to improve the general operating conditions of the pools.
    Controlling the quality of these waters fundamentally depends on adequate management that combines disinfection, monitoring of water quality and increasing the knowledge of pool users about the risks of potential diseases.

  • Stephanie Ferreira
  • Maria Manuela da Silva e Sousa Amorim
  • António Augusto Araújo Gomes
  • Sandra Marlene da Silva Mota
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