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Quality of the wood Swietenia macrophylla from planting in the Central Amazon

The aim of this study was to determine the quality of wood from Swietenia macrophylla in commercial plantation aged 20 years in the Central Amazon. The planting has a total of 100 hectares, with initial spacing of 7 m x 6 m. Five trees were selected for sampling by destructive method. The quality of the wood was evaluated considering the physical and mechanical properties. A completely randomized design was used considering a probability level of 95%. The only variable that did not show a significant difference between shafts was MOE compression. For the other variables, the stems with the best performances were those with a diameter between 25 cm and 35 cm. The wood from: Swietenia macrophylla in planting for 20 years, it has a high modulus of rupture, medium modulus of elasticity, medium shear strength, medium hardness and medium resistance to compression parallel to the fibers, indicating the possibility of use for commercial purposes.

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Quality of the wood Swietenia macrophylla from planting in the Central Amazon

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173122324049

  • Palavras-chave: Brazilian Mahogany; Physical properties of wood; Mechanical properties of wood.

  • Keywords: Brazilian Mahogany; Physical properties of wood; Mechanical properties of wood.

  • Abstract:

    The aim of this study was to determine the quality of wood from Swietenia macrophylla in commercial plantation aged 20 years in the Central Amazon. The planting has a total of 100 hectares, with initial spacing of 7 m x 6 m. Five trees were selected for sampling by destructive method. The quality of the wood was evaluated considering the physical and mechanical properties. A completely randomized design was used considering a probability level of 95%. The only variable that did not show a significant difference between shafts was MOE compression. For the other variables, the stems with the best performances were those with a diameter between 25 cm and 35 cm. The wood from: Swietenia macrophylla in planting for 20 years, it has a high modulus of rupture, medium modulus of elasticity, medium shear strength, medium hardness and medium resistance to compression parallel to the fibers, indicating the possibility of use for commercial purposes.

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