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LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY: epistemological analysis

Psychology is currently concerned with maintaining its scientific status, giving great importance to empirical evidence, considering that critical and innovative thinking constitutes obligatory stages of this understanding. The teaching of Law, though scientific, is no longer teaching with an abstract content. It is an operational science, which is not limited to describing or reproducing the established legal order, but transcends it in the search for new contents applicable to concrete life. It is common to refer to several areas of work of the psychologist. Psychology is one, but it has different faces and is expressed through different languages. One of them is Legal Psychology. This consists of studying the behavior of people and groups while they have the need to develop within legally regulated environments, as well as the evolution of these normative regulations or laws as the social groups develop within them. The approximation of Law and Psychology, as well as the creation of a transdisciplinary space, as a result of convergences-divergences capable of establishing a new epistemological statute, configures a true essential question of justice.

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LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY: epistemological analysis

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162262213123

  • Palavras-chave: Psycology; Right; Juridical Psychology.

  • Keywords: Psycology; Right; Juridical Psychology.

  • Abstract:

    Psychology is currently concerned with maintaining its scientific status, giving great importance to empirical evidence, considering that critical and innovative thinking constitutes obligatory stages of this understanding. The teaching of Law, though scientific, is no longer teaching with an abstract content. It is an operational science, which is not limited to describing or reproducing the established legal order, but transcends it in the search for new contents applicable to concrete life. It is common to refer to several areas of work of the psychologist. Psychology is one, but it has different faces and is expressed through different languages. One of them is Legal Psychology. This consists of studying the behavior of people and groups while they have the need to develop within legally regulated environments, as well as the evolution of these normative regulations or laws as the social groups develop within them. The approximation of Law and Psychology, as well as the creation of a transdisciplinary space, as a result of convergences-divergences capable of establishing a new epistemological statute, configures a true essential question of justice.

  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos
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