Introduction: Dementia is a syndrome with several causes, characterized by the acquired deterioration of cognitive abilities that impair daily activities, and vitamin B12 may be one of these causes (LEIVAS EFL, 2021). Objective: To review the relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency and pseudodementia. Result: In addition to its relationship with macrocytic anemia, vitamin B12 is biochemically important in the transmethylation of neuroactive substances such as myelin and neurotransmitters. One of the other mechanisms by which low levels of vitamin B12 can affect cognition is by disrupting the methylation reaction in the central nervous system (CNS). This can lead to an increase in homocysteine levels, which has direct neurotoxic effects (HOLDEN; WOODS, 2005). Conclusion: Regular screening would lead to early diagnosis and reduce related shortages. However, long-term studies are needed to assess the importance of treating individuals without symptoms (HOLMBERG, 2007).
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593832309103
Palavras-chave: Pseudodementia; Cognitive impairment; Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Keywords: Pseudodementia; Cognitive impairment; Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Introduction: Dementia is a syndrome with several causes, characterized by the acquired deterioration of cognitive abilities that impair daily activities, and vitamin B12 may be one of these causes (LEIVAS EFL, 2021). Objective: To review the relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency and pseudodementia. Result: In addition to its relationship with macrocytic anemia, vitamin B12 is biochemically important in the transmethylation of neuroactive substances such as myelin and neurotransmitters. One of the other mechanisms by which low levels of vitamin B12 can affect cognition is by disrupting the methylation reaction in the central nervous system (CNS). This can lead to an increase in homocysteine levels, which has direct neurotoxic effects (HOLDEN; WOODS, 2005). Conclusion: Regular screening would lead to early diagnosis and reduce related shortages. However, long-term studies are needed to assess the importance of treating individuals without symptoms (HOLMBERG, 2007).
- Pedro Luís Nogueira da Silva
- Samanttha Cristina da Silva Chaves
- Brenda Carolinne Albuquerque Souza Monteiro
- Luca Albuquerque dos Reis Gomes
- Matheus Bonacin Gammarano
- Victor Matheus Correia Marinho
- Julia Kaiany de Azevedo Amado Siqueira
- Tiago Picolo Fernandes
- Aline Cicilia Oliveira Dos Santos Guimarães9
- Mariana Antunes Cavalcanti de Araújo
- Eduardo de Toledo Souza
- Isabella Vieira Portal
- Jocimara Pinheiro de Lima da Silva
- Thaís Torres Galindo Dantas
- Maria Vitória Lima Camilo