1.Introduction: To care involves assistance and protection for well-being, but imbalances, such as neglect, deteriorate the quality of care. From this perspective, caregivers for the elderly – formal and informal – face significant challenges, which, in addition to involving resignation and commitment, can generate changes in lifestyle, resulting in overload for these professionals. 2. Goal: Report the experience of medical students regarding the relationship between the caregiver and the bedridden patient, identifying the impacts and challenges of this relationship. 3. Experience Report: Fourth period medical students participated in inclusive work, aimed at building a Unique Therapeutic Project (PTS). Through home visits, integration with the responsible health unit, through meetings, and the construction of intervention plans, the students sought to understand the family context, identify their needs and propose improvements, based on the uniqueness of that scenario: the patient, a bedridden lady, whose son, an equally elderly man, was her caregiver. 4. Reflection on the experience: Participating in this project provided a deeper understanding of the importance of PTS, combined with routine home visits, in promoting reception and care. However, in addition to looking at this tool, the activity in question highlighted the relationship between patient and caregiver, allowing the understanding that its imbalance compromises the quality of life of both subjects. 5. Conclusion: Home visits emerge as a sine qua non tool for medical training, given that it encourages students to adopt behaviors consistent with medicine: active listening, acceptance, empathy and respect. Furthermore, the PTS, as a whole, contributes to the sedimentation of these attributes, as it transforms the student, an observer and passive, into a central and active subject, capable of understanding the individuality of each family nucleus and, consequently, promoting guidance and adequate care.
Palavras-chave: Home visit; Bedridden Person; Caregiver; Student.
Keywords: Home visit; Bedridden Person; Caregiver; Student.
1.Introduction: To care involves assistance and protection for well-being, but imbalances, such as neglect, deteriorate the quality of care. From this perspective, caregivers for the elderly – formal and informal – face significant challenges, which, in addition to involving resignation and commitment, can generate changes in lifestyle, resulting in overload for these professionals. 2. Goal: Report the experience of medical students regarding the relationship between the caregiver and the bedridden patient, identifying the impacts and challenges of this relationship. 3. Experience Report: Fourth period medical students participated in inclusive work, aimed at building a Unique Therapeutic Project (PTS). Through home visits, integration with the responsible health unit, through meetings, and the construction of intervention plans, the students sought to understand the family context, identify their needs and propose improvements, based on the uniqueness of that scenario: the patient, a bedridden lady, whose son, an equally elderly man, was her caregiver. 4. Reflection on the experience: Participating in this project provided a deeper understanding of the importance of PTS, combined with routine home visits, in promoting reception and care. However, in addition to looking at this tool, the activity in question highlighted the relationship between patient and caregiver, allowing the understanding that its imbalance compromises the quality of life of both subjects. 5. Conclusion: Home visits emerge as a sine qua non tool for medical training, given that it encourages students to adopt behaviors consistent with medicine: active listening, acceptance, empathy and respect. Furthermore, the PTS, as a whole, contributes to the sedimentation of these attributes, as it transforms the student, an observer and passive, into a central and active subject, capable of understanding the individuality of each family nucleus and, consequently, promoting guidance and adequate care.
- Pedro Carneiro Maia Caixeta
- Rogério de Oliveira Barbosa
- Karina Rumi de Moura Santoliquido