Artigo - Atena Editora


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It is a challenging project started 06 years ago at Sesc/AL. This has been gaining more and more adherence by the elderly male public participating in the action. The action was an initiative of the Social Work with Groups-TSG team together with Social Work interns. Observing the elderly members of the TSG, it was noticed that they did not identify with the actions proposed in the weekly meetings (coexistence meetings). Thus, a way was thought of to individualize the action for the group's male profile, and the project conversation behind the scenes: man on the agenda was born. The methodology included conversation circles on various topics, group dynamics, monitored video display followed by debates, external activities such as parlor game tournaments, movement, experiences, among others. The actions were carried out through interdisciplinary work with internal and external partners, which provided the strengthening and expansion of access. The group was formed by spontaneous demand, always stimulating the sharing of knowledge, experiences and life projects. The project is bimonthly. It is planned and monitored by the TSG team. The impact of the meetings is systematized in systematic reports. The action was configured as a space for male protagonism, expansion of the socio-affective network, reflection on themes inherent to the male universe, which has aroused the interest of many elderly people who previously did not show an active interest in the actions. This has provided opportunities for both the growth and maturation of the team and the participating public.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162252201128

  • Palavras-chave: gerontology, autonomy, human aging.

  • Keywords: gerontology, autonomy, human aging.

  • Abstract:

    It is a challenging project started 06 years ago at Sesc/AL. This has been gaining more and more adherence by the elderly male public participating in the action. The action was an initiative of the Social Work with Groups-TSG team together with Social Work interns. Observing the elderly members of the TSG, it was noticed that they did not identify with the actions proposed in the weekly meetings (coexistence meetings). Thus, a way was thought of to individualize the action for the group's male profile, and the project conversation behind the scenes: man on the agenda was born. The methodology included conversation circles on various topics, group dynamics, monitored video display followed by debates, external activities such as parlor game tournaments, movement, experiences, among others. The actions were carried out through interdisciplinary work with internal and external partners, which provided the strengthening and expansion of access. The group was formed by spontaneous demand, always stimulating the sharing of knowledge, experiences and life projects. The project is bimonthly. It is planned and monitored by the TSG team. The impact of the meetings is systematized in systematic reports. The action was configured as a space for male protagonism, expansion of the socio-affective network, reflection on themes inherent to the male universe, which has aroused the interest of many elderly people who previously did not show an active interest in the actions. This has provided opportunities for both the growth and maturation of the team and the participating public.

  • Luciana de Oliveira Figueredo
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