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PERCUSSIVE LEARNING PROCESSES IN ‘‘coco de roda’’ (regional dance) WORKSHOPS – an experience of the principle of sensitivity supported by ecopedagogy

This article aims to report the experience of two ‘‘coco de roda’’ (regional dance) workshops held in 2017, at the institution: ‘’Casa Colaborativa – Kazula’’, located in Rio Tinto/PB. In these activities, the choice was to apply principles developed in Ecopedagogy, described by Gadotti and Francisco Gutiérrez. Therefore, the techniques used, through workshops, were based on the ecopedagogical principle of sensitivity. In the course of this article, the importance of facing the challenge of a methodology that contemplates human sensitivity, primeval knowledge, popular culture is demonstrated in the perspective of a curriculum common to formal and non-formal spaces of education.

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PERCUSSIVE LEARNING PROCESSES IN ‘‘coco de roda’’ (regional dance) WORKSHOPS – an experience of the principle of sensitivity supported by ecopedagogy

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582352201117

  • Palavras-chave: Sensitivity Principle, Ecopedagogy, Coconut Workshops.

  • Keywords: Sensitivity Principle, Ecopedagogy, Coconut Workshops.

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to report the experience of two ‘‘coco de roda’’ (regional dance) workshops held in 2017, at the institution: ‘’Casa Colaborativa – Kazula’’, located in Rio Tinto/PB. In these activities, the choice was to apply principles developed in Ecopedagogy, described by Gadotti and Francisco Gutiérrez. Therefore, the techniques used, through workshops, were based on the ecopedagogical principle of sensitivity. In the course of this article, the importance of facing the challenge of a methodology that contemplates human sensitivity, primeval knowledge, popular culture is demonstrated in the perspective of a curriculum common to formal and non-formal spaces of education.ted.

  • Carlos Eduardo Paulino Soares
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