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Process Mapping of the Surgical Center Unit of a University Hospital

GOAL: To report on the construction of the process mapping of a highly complex Surgical Center Unit, as well as to know the suppliers and customers of this unit, listing possibilities for improvement. Method: This is an experience report from the elaboration of the Process Map of the studied Unit. For the construction of this mapping, systematic meetings were held with professionals from this ­study scenario (18 meetings, in a period of time corresponding to 05 months), using the flowchart tool for the construction of the process map. After this step, opportunities for improvement were listed, which were classified for further appropriate treatment, considering the Institution's Strategic Master Plan (PDE). Due to the autonomy inherent to this methodology, the researchers have the support of local management, and the study, at this stage, was not submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee (CEP). Results: The processes of the Surgical Center Unit were mapped, making it possible, at the end, to know the Unit's main suppliers and customers, as well as the actors involved in each process. The process documents, list of regulations and list of improvements were listed. From the latter, a work schedule emerged covering all the proposals for improvements and their respective people in charge. Conclusion: The process mapping methodology, as it was applied in the documentation of the activities developed in the Surgical Center Unit, allowed the work group to objectively visualize the dynamics and the interrelationship that exists between them, which allowed an evaluation, even if of a preliminary nature, of the points that would need further studies with a view to their improvement. These analyzes resulted in a list of improvement opportunities to be addressed by management in due course.


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Process Mapping of the Surgical Center Unit of a University Hospital

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582202211077

  • Palavras-chave: Surgical Center; Health Management; Process Mapping.

  • Keywords: Surgical Center; Health Management; Process Mapping.

  • Abstract:

    GOAL: To report on the construction of the process mapping of a highly complex Surgical Center Unit, as well as to know the suppliers and customers of this unit, listing possibilities for improvement. Method: This is an experience report from the elaboration of the Process Map of the studied Unit. For the construction of this mapping, systematic meetings were held with professionals from this ­study scenario (18 meetings, in a period of time corresponding to 05 months), using the flowchart tool for the construction of the process map. After this step, opportunities for improvement were listed, which were classified for further appropriate treatment, considering the Institution's Strategic Master Plan (PDE). Due to the autonomy inherent to this methodology, the researchers have the support of local management, and the study, at this stage, was not submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee (CEP). Results: The processes of the Surgical Center Unit were mapped, making it possible, at the end, to know the Unit's main suppliers and customers, as well as the actors involved in each process. The process documents, list of regulations and list of improvements were listed. From the latter, a work schedule emerged covering all the proposals for improvements and their respective people in charge. Conclusion: The process mapping methodology, as it was applied in the documentation of the activities developed in the Surgical Center Unit, allowed the work group to objectively visualize the dynamics and the interrelationship that exists between them, which allowed an evaluation, even if of a preliminary nature, of the points that would need further studies with a view to their improvement. These analyzes resulted in a list of improvement opportunities to be addressed by management in due course.


  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Naiara Dantas Damasceno Najar
  • Alfredo Fernandes de Jesus
  • Larissa Lima dos Santos
  • Patrizia Allegro Ribeiro
  • Juliana dos Reis Neponuceno de Oliveira
  • Carla Tatiane Oliveira Silva
  • Bruna Costa Leal
  • Deise Alves Caires
  • Jeferson Xavier Pinheiro Santos
  • Ithana Queila Borges Pizzani Ferreira
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