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Main ventilatory modalities used in weaning in a neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit

Introduction: The weaning process is a challenge when it comes to Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units (NICUs), the spontaneous breathing test (SBT) is used in different ventilatory modalities. Objective: To report recent research on which modality is most used in pediatrics and neonatology during ERT. Methodology: This is a study of an integrative literature review. The following databases were consulted: Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs). Experimental articles were included, which dealt with the proposed theme, published in full, in the last 12 years, without linguistic restriction. Excluded, works presented only in summary/abstract form, articles published in full, but that were case reports or experience reports, articles that deviated from the theme.Results: We analyzed 51 articles published in full, of which 6 were analyzed and included in the competition. Discussion: It was possible to observe that pressure-support ventilation (PSV) is the most prevalent ventilatory modality in pediatrics, while in the neonatal population continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most used, despite this there is a shortage of protocols for weaning in the ICU. Conclusion: studies are needed aimed at creating protocols, bringing more safety for clinical application in both the pediatric and neonatal populations.

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Main ventilatory modalities used in weaning in a neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593412301062

  • Palavras-chave: Weaning from the respirator; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Artificial respiration.

  • Keywords: Weaning from the respirator; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Artificial respiration.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: The weaning process is a challenge when it comes to Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units (NICUs), the spontaneous breathing test (SBT) is used in different ventilatory modalities. Objective: To report recent research on which modality is most used in pediatrics and neonatology during ERT. Methodology: This is a study of an integrative literature review. The following databases were consulted: Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs). Experimental articles were included, which dealt with the proposed theme, published in full, in the last 12 years, without linguistic restriction. Excluded, works presented only in summary/abstract form, articles published in full, but that were case reports or experience reports, articles that deviated from the theme.Results: We analyzed 51 articles published in full, of which 6 were analyzed and included in the competition. Discussion: It was possible to observe that pressure-support ventilation (PSV) is the most prevalent ventilatory modality in pediatrics, while in the neonatal population continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most used, despite this there is a shortage of protocols for weaning in the ICU. Conclusion: studies are needed aimed at creating protocols, bringing more safety for clinical application in both the pediatric and neonatal populations.

  • Andrezza Tayonara Lins Melo
  • Beatriz Cristina Medeiros de Lucena
  • Vinícius Souza Melo
  • Ezequias Alexandre da Silva Mendes
  • Jussara Bezerra Costa
  • Emanuely Alvares Queiroz
  • Claudiane Thaís Soares da Silva
  • Fernanda Evelyn Silva
  • Laura Inez Santos Barros
  • Adilson José Ursulino Júnior
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