Artigo - Atena Editora


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The work aims to expose the main interactions caused by the concomitant use of antibiotics and other allopathic medicines, nutrients and alcohol, highlighting the adverse effects, harmful damage to the patient's health, the effectiveness of the treatment, and in the case of hospitals, the high incidence of hospitalizations for an unnecessary length of time, in addition to discomfort, the appearance of simultaneous pathologies and lack of control of those that already existed. In a simplified way, the topics present the most common cases, exemplifying the antimicrobial classes, their drug interactions (DIs) and the mechanisms that are susceptible to the mutual occurrence of action between two or more substances. Aiming to improve the quality of individual health care, in a conscious and responsible way, playing the role of guiding and monitoring the patient as a whole, which guarantees their well-being. The research was developed through a bibliographical review of a descriptive and qualitative nature, bringing together academic articles by some authors who share similar results. Classes such as Penicillins, Celafosporins, Quinolones, Macrolides, among others, most commonly used in commercial and hospital settings, are also those most likely to interact with other substances in therapy. Therefore, concern during the medical consultation until dispensing and adherence is the point that minimizes the possible risks that the patient can avoid as long as they follow and are correctly guided.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Drug interactions, adverse reactions, biotransformation, antibiotics.

  • Keywords: Drug interactions, adverse reactions, biotransformation, antibiotics.

  • Abstract:

    The work aims to expose the main interactions caused by the concomitant use of antibiotics and other allopathic medicines, nutrients and alcohol, highlighting the adverse effects, harmful damage to the patient's health, the effectiveness of the treatment, and in the case of hospitals, the high incidence of hospitalizations for an unnecessary length of time, in addition to discomfort, the appearance of simultaneous pathologies and lack of control of those that already existed. In a simplified way, the topics present the most common cases, exemplifying the antimicrobial classes, their drug interactions (DIs) and the mechanisms that are susceptible to the mutual occurrence of action between two or more substances. Aiming to improve the quality of individual health care, in a conscious and responsible way, playing the role of guiding and monitoring the patient as a whole, which guarantees their well-being. The research was developed through a bibliographical review of a descriptive and qualitative nature, bringing together academic articles by some authors who share similar results. Classes such as Penicillins, Celafosporins, Quinolones, Macrolides, among others, most commonly used in commercial and hospital settings, are also those most likely to interact with other substances in therapy. Therefore, concern during the medical consultation until dispensing and adherence is the point that minimizes the possible risks that the patient can avoid as long as they follow and are correctly guided.

  • Jessica Julia de Mendonca de Moura
  • Helen Mariana Baldan Cimatti
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