Introduction: Violence against children and adolescents is characterized by actions or omissions committed by adults or older adolescents, who have a position of responsibility over the victim, with the intention of causing pain. Objective: To review the main causes and clinical manifestations that we must be aware of, as health professionals, of intentional accidents in pediatrics. Result: The consequences resulting from any abuse, whether physical or emotional, can be extremely harmful for the physical, moral, social and intellectual development of the victims in the future. Therefore, when noticing signs or symptoms of aggression, an open dialogue with the child or adolescent is essential and, if necessary, contacting the responsible authorities. Conclusion: There are four main types of violence or mistreatment, which are physical, sexual, psychological abuse and neglect. Clinical manifestations of physical abuse can be about the general attitude of the child, skin lesions, burns, unusual or recurrent fractures, traumatic brain injury with or without hemorrhages resulting from the trauma, abdominal injuries, eye injuries, vague complaints such as: abdominal pain, encopresis, constipation, enuresis, dysuria, vaginal discharge, excessive masturbation, sleep disorders (night terrors, nightmares), speech disorders, eating disorders, poor school performance and behavioral disorders (hyperactivity, aggression, conduct disorder and suicidal tendency ), malnutrition, delayed vaccination card, school absenteeism, abandonment of chronic disease treatment.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593712308095
Palavras-chave: Disaster prevention; Primary prevention; Child Abuse.
Keywords: Disaster prevention; Primary prevention; Child Abuse.
Introduction: Violence against children and adolescents is characterized by actions or omissions committed by adults or older adolescents, who have a position of responsibility over the victim, with the intention of causing pain. Objective: To review the main causes and clinical manifestations that we must be aware of, as health professionals, of intentional accidents in pediatrics. Result: The consequences resulting from any abuse, whether physical or emotional, can be extremely harmful for the physical, moral, social and intellectual development of the victims in the future. Therefore, when noticing signs or symptoms of aggression, an open dialogue with the child or adolescent is essential and, if necessary, contacting the responsible authorities. Conclusion: There are four main types of violence or mistreatment, which are physical, sexual, psychological abuse and neglect. Clinical manifestations of physical abuse can be about the general attitude of the child, skin lesions, burns, unusual or recurrent fractures, traumatic brain injury with or without hemorrhages resulting from the trauma, abdominal injuries, eye injuries, vague complaints such as: abdominal pain, encopresis, constipation, enuresis, dysuria, vaginal discharge, excessive masturbation, sleep disorders (night terrors, nightmares), speech disorders, eating disorders, poor school performance and behavioral disorders (hyperactivity, aggression, conduct disorder and suicidal tendency ), malnutrition, delayed vaccination card, school absenteeism, abandonment of chronic disease treatment.
- Maria Clara Dias Coelho Menezes
- Luiz Gustavo Vieira Gonçalves
- Samanttha Cristina da Silva Chaves
- Thalya Fernandes Melo Jaime
- Isabela Carilli Zumpano Oliveira
- Karina de Lima Sobrinho
- Laryssa Lima de Oliveira
- João Victor Lima de Araújo
- Felipe Gaudie Gurian
- Isabele lucy Torres Soares
- Lucas Del Nero
- Pedro Henrique de Oliveira Pereira
- Fernanda da Cruz Moraes
- Gabriel Pereira Teixeira