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"Prevention of childhood burns in times of pandemic: a virtual and interactive campaign"

Childhood burns belong to the group of traumatisms and are injuries that can cause death or leave serious permanent sequelae. They are events that occur more frequently in children under five years of age and occur within their home. Most of these events can be prevented with community education activities and mass campaigns. In March 2020, face-to-face school activities in Chile were suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic, forcing children to stay in their homes. This becomes an increased risk of burns, so a virtual and interactive campaign is designed, aimed at preschool and first-cycle school children, creating specific videos for different causal agents of burns with animated characters and ending with an invitation. to send a drawing of what they learned in the video. With the drawings received, a new video is created to share on social networks. The children manage to capture in their drawings the educational messages they have received and in five months of campaigns, with eleven different videos, it is possible to receive 2,166 drawings by Chilean children and 317 drawings from abroad. The campaign is published and disseminated through social networks, considering it as a useful and efficient means to deliver health educational content to the community.

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"Prevention of childhood burns in times of pandemic: a virtual and interactive campaign"

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593102307022

  • Palavras-chave: Burns, Primary prevention, Health Education e Pediatrics

  • Keywords: Burns, Primary prevention, Health Education e Pediatrics

  • Abstract:

    Childhood burns belong to the group of traumatisms and are injuries that can cause death or leave serious permanent sequelae. They are events that occur more frequently in children under five years of age and occur within their home. Most of these events can be prevented with community education activities and mass campaigns. In March 2020, face-to-face school activities in Chile were suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic, forcing children to stay in their homes. This becomes an increased risk of burns, so a virtual and interactive campaign is designed, aimed at preschool and first-cycle school children, creating specific videos for different causal agents of burns with animated characters and ending with an invitation. to send a drawing of what they learned in the video. With the drawings received, a new video is created to share on social networks. The children manage to capture in their drawings the educational messages they have received and in five months of campaigns, with eleven different videos, it is possible to receive 2,166 drawings by Chilean children and 317 drawings from abroad. The campaign is published and disseminated through social networks, considering it as a useful and efficient means to deliver health educational content to the community.

  • Carmina Domic Cárdenas
  • Carola Paredes Mayor
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