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The General Theory of Administration discipline plan is expressed as an element of operationalization of teaching and learning in Brazilian universities, linked to the curricular decisions taken by each teaching program developed in the Administration course. The objective of the research was to reflect on the categories of the Administration course teaching plan. The methodology addressed consists of descriptive, quantitative research and analysis of documents from the various universities in the country, with a sample of public universities from different regions (North, Northeast, South, Southeast and Central West). The sample of two universities per region totaled 10 institutions. The results showed the analysis of the objectives of the disciplines, the types of content, the methodology, the evaluation proposal and the bibliographic collection and the discussions of theoretical conceptions, foundations of administration, the pedagogical work of teachers and organizational processes were understood as influencing from the students. It was concluded that the teaching plan model for the Administration course published on the websites of the universities researched indicated the need for a new configuration to express the new curricular requirements and advances in the area of training. The programs and plans, even those that expressed some essential elements for teaching-learning, did not make it clear what innovations were involved in new learning for the administrator to work in the world of organizations with their new demands. And they did not clearly express how their categories are articulated to support a new practice in the process of teaching, learning and evaluating management graduates.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Curricular practice. Teaching planning. Classroom management. Operationalization instrument. Learning.

  • Keywords: Curricular practice. Teaching planning. Classroom management. Operationalization instrument. Learning.

  • Abstract:

    The General Theory of Administration discipline plan is expressed as an element of operationalization of teaching and learning in Brazilian universities, linked to the curricular decisions taken by each teaching program developed in the Administration course. The objective of the research was to reflect on the categories of the Administration course teaching plan. The methodology addressed consists of descriptive, quantitative research and analysis of documents from the various universities in the country, with a sample of public universities from different regions (North, Northeast, South, Southeast and Central West). The sample of two universities per region totaled 10 institutions. The results showed the analysis of the objectives of the disciplines, the types of content, the methodology, the evaluation proposal and the bibliographic collection and the discussions of theoretical conceptions, foundations of administration, the pedagogical work of teachers and organizational processes were understood as influencing from the students. It was concluded that the teaching plan model for the Administration course published on the websites of the universities researched indicated the need for a new configuration to express the new curricular requirements and advances in the area of training. The programs and plans, even those that expressed some essential elements for teaching-learning, did not make it clear what innovations were involved in new learning for the administrator to work in the world of organizations with their new demands. And they did not clearly express how their categories are articulated to support a new practice in the process of teaching, learning and evaluating management graduates.

  • João Manuel de Sousa Will
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