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Humanity, from time to time, has been challenged by numerous variables such as, for example: political, economic and natural. The emergence of the Covid19 pandemic in December 2019 has worsened economic and social conditions in the world. Given the current reality, it is relevant to understand the crisis in supply chains to improve local, regional and global logistics management. In this context, the present study seeks to identify and analyze the main impacts on the logistics supply chain, due to the lack of preparation in the current model practiced in this type of management. In order to reach the objective, qualitative methodological procedures of descriptive, experimental, explanatory and bibliographic levels were used. From the data obtained and its analysis, it was observed how sensitive supply chain management is due to several factors published in this article and how organizations must behave to harmonize these variables. 

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.216252217039

  • Palavras-chave: Jail. Covid-19. Management.

  • Keywords: Jail. Covid-19. Management.

  • Abstract:

    Humanity, from time to time, has been challenged by numerous variables such as, for example: political, economic and natural. The emergence of the Covid19 pandemic in December 2019 has worsened economic and social conditions in the world. Given the current reality, it is relevant to understand the crisis in supply chains to improve local, regional and global logistics management. In this context, the present study seeks to identify and analyze the main impacts on the logistics supply chain, due to the lack of preparation in the current model practiced in this type of management. In order to reach the objective, qualitative methodological procedures of descriptive, experimental, explanatory and bibliographic levels were used. From the data obtained and its analysis, it was observed how sensitive supply chain management is due to several factors published in this article and how organizations must behave to harmonize these variables. 

  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Rafael Gonçalves de Andrade
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