This article aims to analyze the deindustrialization process that took place in the last two decades, observing the main macroeconomic measures of the period, which affected the sector. As a methodological basis for this research, a survey was made of magazines and works by authors who contributed to the qualitative and quantitative study of this process, in particular data and studies by IEDI-Institute of Studies for Industrial Development and analyzes of indicators by IBGE - Instituto Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, in addition to articles and publications listed in the bibliographic references. As an objective, the article intends to verify what happened during the periods of the Lula I and II governments, and Dilma Rousseff until the end of the Michel Temer government, from macroeconomic decisions adopted and that had an impact on the sectors of the economy, observing the indicators of industrial activity of action plans such as the PAC and other policies. The research led to the conclusion that Brazil lacks a genuinely national industrial base, depending on exports of intermediate goods, mainly due to the policies practiced, causing an accelerated phenomenon of reprimarization of the economy to occur.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163212330088
Palavras-chave: Macroeconomics – Industrialization – Deindustrialization -. Reprimarization of the economy – Crisis - Recession.
Keywords: Macroeconomics – Industrialization – Deindustrialization -. Reprimarization of the economy – Crisis - Recession.
This article aims to analyze the deindustrialization process that took place in the last two decades, observing the main macroeconomic measures of the period, which affected the sector. As a methodological basis for this research, a survey was made of magazines and works by authors who contributed to the qualitative and quantitative study of this process, in particular data and studies by IEDI-Institute of Studies for Industrial Development and analyzes of indicators by IBGE - Instituto Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, in addition to articles and publications listed in the bibliographic references. As an objective, the article intends to verify what happened during the periods of the Lula I and II governments, and Dilma Rousseff until the end of the Michel Temer government, from macroeconomic decisions adopted and that had an impact on the sectors of the economy, observing the indicators of industrial activity of action plans such as the PAC and other policies. The research led to the conclusion that Brazil lacks a genuinely national industrial base, depending on exports of intermediate goods, mainly due to the policies practiced, causing an accelerated phenomenon of reprimarization of the economy to occur.
- José Guilherme Shiraishi Abrão
- Regina Maria d'Aquino Fonseca Gadelha