Artigo - Atena Editora


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Concerns about the quality of universities have suggested to the Angolan State and Universities institutions (Universities) institutional responses aimed at making the institutions' mission compatible with national and global public expectations. The present study, based on a bibliographic review and document analysis, represented by the legislation on the subject, aims to generate an understanding of national efforts to guarantee the quality of the performance of universities. For this purpose, two guiding questions were raised: (i) what theoretical-normative elements configure the quality assurance mechanisms in Universities in Angola? (ii) what is the level of sufficiency of regulatory devices for quality assurance? It appears that the determinism of procedures influenced by bureaucratic rationalism has not been sufficient to collect the plan of intentions to the contextual reality. Resorting to the establishment of a quality management system (QMS) was another institutional response to the consubstantiation of universities management policies, requiring, however, a continued assimilation by the actors rather than the expectation of a spontaneous acquisition. This also requires the integration of admission procedures and evaluation of teaching performance, in the set of institutionalized devices for gauging the quality of the performance of universities.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558362310024

  • Palavras-chave: Angola, performance quality, evaluation, management policies, and quality management system.

  • Keywords: Angola, performance quality, evaluation, management policies, and quality management system.

  • Abstract:

    Concerns about the quality of universities have suggested to the Angolan State and Universities institutions (Universities) institutional responses aimed at making the institutions' mission compatible with national and global public expectations. The present study, based on a bibliographic review and document analysis, represented by the legislation on the subject, aims to generate an understanding of national efforts to guarantee the quality of the performance of universities. For this purpose, two guiding questions were raised: (i) what theoretical-normative elements configure the quality assurance mechanisms in Universities in Angola? (ii) what is the level of sufficiency of regulatory devices for quality assurance? It appears that the determinism of procedures influenced by bureaucratic rationalism has not been sufficient to collect the plan of intentions to the contextual reality. Resorting to the establishment of a quality management system (QMS) was another institutional response to the consubstantiation of universities management policies, requiring, however, a continued assimilation by the actors rather than the expectation of a spontaneous acquisition. This also requires the integration of admission procedures and evaluation of teaching performance, in the set of institutionalized devices for gauging the quality of the performance of universities.

  • Maria Barbosa Mendes
  • Tuca Manuel
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