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Politics and Education for peace: Understanding and application in public school settings in Valle of Cauca in Colombia

Citizenship competencies are part of the education policy for peace in Colombia. Educational emphasis strengthened after the signing of the peace agreements between the Government of Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC-EP armed group in 2016. More than the emergence of powers in that period, it shows how politics integrates continuity and antecedents from periods previous politicians. Thus emphasizing that the way in which legislation is legislated does not correspond to the way in which the political guidelines are understood and put into practice from members of two educational communities in two municipalities of Valle del Cauca. Under the ethnographic approach, the comparison between the scenarios is presented, highlighting that the construction of citizenship would be one of the multiple aspects that integrate education for peace depending on the contexts and particularities of the educational communities where it is implemented.

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Politics and Education for peace: Understanding and application in public school settings in Valle of Cauca in Colombia

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583152304059

  • Palavras-chave: Education for peace, citizenship competencies, educational policy, construction of citizenships.

  • Keywords: Education for peace, citizenship competencies, educational policy, construction of citizenships.

  • Abstract:

    Citizenship competencies are part of the education policy for peace in Colombia. Educational emphasis strengthened after the signing of the peace agreements between the Government of Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC-EP armed group in 2016. More than the emergence of powers in that period, it shows how politics integrates continuity and antecedents from periods previous politicians. Thus emphasizing that the way in which legislation is legislated does not correspond to the way in which the political guidelines are understood and put into practice from members of two educational communities in two municipalities of Valle del Cauca. Under the ethnographic approach, the comparison between the scenarios is presented, highlighting that the construction of citizenship would be one of the multiple aspects that integrate education for peace depending on the contexts and particularities of the educational communities where it is implemented.

  • Ana Isabel Meneses Pardo
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