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NATIONAL LITERACY POLICY: an analysis in Foucauldian perspective of discourse

This text is part of a research that, inspired by Foucauldian Studies in Education, sought to analyze the truths that support the discourses in the National Literacy Policy (PNA). For this undertaking, we took as a reference the notion of discourse, presented by Michel Foucault, especially in the class on December 2, 1970, entitled “The Order of Discourse” (FOUCAULT, 2014). From the exercise of analyzing some materials that make up the PNA, operating with the external procedures of discourse, it was possible to perceive that truths are established at a certain time through the process that prohibits some discourses, values and highlights others.

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NATIONAL LITERACY POLICY: an analysis in Foucauldian perspective of discourse

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583362329097

  • Palavras-chave: National Literacy Policy; Discourse Analysis; Foucauldian Studies in Education; Methodological and Investigative Exercise.

  • Keywords: National Literacy Policy; Discourse Analysis; Foucauldian Studies in Education; Methodological and Investigative Exercise.

  • Abstract:

    This text is part of a research that, inspired by Foucauldian Studies in Education, sought to analyze the truths that support the discourses in the National Literacy Policy (PNA). For this undertaking, we took as a reference the notion of discourse, presented by Michel Foucault, especially in the class on December 2, 1970, entitled “The Order of Discourse” (FOUCAULT, 2014). From the exercise of analyzing some materials that make up the PNA, operating with the external procedures of discourse, it was possible to perceive that truths are established at a certain time through the process that prohibits some discourses, values and highlights others.

  • Patrícia Luciene de Albuquerque Bragamonte
  • Neffar Jaquelini Azevedo Vieira de Assis Brasil
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