Artigo - Atena Editora


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In this essay, I focus on the construction of Portugueseness, understood as the representation of “being Portuguese” and national identity. Based on images of historical, literary origin and from Portuguese literary criticism itself, which, due to the mythical status and irradiation they had, marked the collective unconscious of the nation, I identify not only a tendency towards self-glorification and exaltation of national identity, but also the need to reaffirmation of “being Portuguese” based on a desire for realism and sublimation of emotions in an attempt to validate the created images. At the end of this course, I advocate in favor of literary criticism and a science open to affectivity and emotions, inherent to the production of knowledge.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929342311054

  • Palavras-chave: Portugality; affectivity; literary criticism.

  • Keywords: Portugality; affectivity; literary criticism.

  • Abstract:

    In this essay, I focus on the construction of Portugueseness, understood as the representation of “being Portuguese” and national identity. Based on images of historical, literary origin and from Portuguese literary criticism itself, which, due to the mythical status and irradiation they had, marked the collective unconscious of the nation, I identify not only a tendency towards self-glorification and exaltation of national identity, but also the need to reaffirmation of “being Portuguese” based on a desire for realism and sublimation of emotions in an attempt to validate the created images. At the end of this course, I advocate in favor of literary criticism and a science open to affectivity and emotions, inherent to the production of knowledge.

  • João Felipe Barbosa Borges
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