According to ABNT NBR 15219 - Emergency plan - Requirements and procedures, the Emergency Action Plan (PAE) formalizes and describes the set of actions and measures to be adopted in the case of a critical situation (accident or incident), aiming to protect life and property, as well as reduce social consequences and damage to the environment (ABNT, 2020). The objective of this article is to present an EAP applied to a recycling industry, aiming to guarantee the safety of employees, compliance with regulatory standards and mitigation of environmental risks. The environment/context of the research is a small recycling industry located in an urban area. The investigative problem addresses the need for a suitable PAE for the industry, considering the presence of venomous animals, flammable and toxic materials in the recycling process, which can lead to accidents and negative impacts on the environment. To develop the plan, a bibliographical study was carried out on current legislation, technical standards and best practices related to emergency management in recycling industries. The method involved the identification of the main risks, the elaboration of emergency procedures, defining response teams and carrying out practical training with employees. The results presented a detailed emergency response plan adapted to the reality of the industry, contemplating preventive measures, response actions and recovery in case of incidents. The conclusions highlight the importance of a well-structured emergency response plan for recycling industries, aiming at the safety of employees and the protection of the environment, in addition to ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173262301088
Palavras-chave: Emergency Response Plan, Occupational Risks, Occupational Health and Safety.
Keywords: Emergency Response Plan, Occupational Risks, Occupational Health and Safety.
According to ABNT NBR 15219 - Emergency plan - Requirements and procedures, the Emergency Action Plan (PAE) formalizes and describes the set of actions and measures to be adopted in the case of a critical situation (accident or incident), aiming to protect life and property, as well as reduce social consequences and damage to the environment (ABNT, 2020). The objective of this article is to present an EAP applied to a recycling industry, aiming to guarantee the safety of employees, compliance with regulatory standards and mitigation of environmental risks. The environment/context of the research is a small recycling industry located in an urban area. The investigative problem addresses the need for a suitable PAE for the industry, considering the presence of venomous animals, flammable and toxic materials in the recycling process, which can lead to accidents and negative impacts on the environment. To develop the plan, a bibliographical study was carried out on current legislation, technical standards and best practices related to emergency management in recycling industries. The method involved the identification of the main risks, the elaboration of emergency procedures, defining response teams and carrying out practical training with employees. The results presented a detailed emergency response plan adapted to the reality of the industry, contemplating preventive measures, response actions and recovery in case of incidents. The conclusions highlight the importance of a well-structured emergency response plan for recycling industries, aiming at the safety of employees and the protection of the environment, in addition to ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.
- Henrique Santos Junqueira
- Fábio Siqueira Lima
- Edson Silva Cunha
- Audrey Macêdo de Carvalho