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capa do ebook Piezoelectric Actuators Mode of Vibration Influence on Energy Harvesting Applications

Piezoelectric Actuators Mode of Vibration Influence on Energy Harvesting Applications

At this research, the authors have been focused on the mechanical and vibrational energy harvesting system with piezoelectric actuators. By studying the characteristics vibration modes of the piezoelectric harvester and the clamping setup configuration, a design optimization has been carried out in order to analize its influence on energy scavenging.

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Piezoelectric Actuators Mode of Vibration Influence on Energy Harvesting Applications

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172722100510

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    At this research, the authors have been focused on the mechanical and vibrational energy harvesting system with piezoelectric actuators. By studying the characteristics vibration modes of the piezoelectric harvester and the clamping setup configuration, a design optimization has been carried out in order to analize its influence on energy scavenging.

  • Número de páginas: 3

  • Daniel Gil-Hernandez
  • Juan Carlos Sanchez
  • Nieves Murillo
  • Carlos Bernal
  • Irene Perez Alfaro
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