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Physicochemical characterization of zeolite and nutraceutical quality of Cucurbita pepo amended with this aluminosilicate and rows covered with plastic mulch


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Physicochemical characterization of zeolite and nutraceutical quality of Cucurbita pepo amended with this aluminosilicate and rows covered with plastic mulch

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173182302062

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Cucurbits, zeolite clinoptilolite, water efficiency, natural fertilizers.

  • Abstract:

    The physical and chemical characteristics of the substrates employed in the
    present study with zuchinni plants were improved by the addition of zeolite to the soil at
    20 and 40 T ha -1 . Zeolite increased total porosity and bulk density of the substrate, and
    also promoted a greater water retention capacity compared to control treatment.
    Concerning to fruit quality, zeolite significantly increased fruit diameter and in a similar
    way, plastic mulching increased fruit diameter and total yield. The interaction zeolite-PM
    showed highly significant differences in fruit length, diameter, total soluble solids and
    firmness of zucchini fruits, also they were positively affected by the interaction of zeolite
    and plastic mulch. Therfore, we conclude that growth, yield and quality of C. pepo plants
    could be improved by amending the soil with natural zeolite and by row covering with
    plastic mulching.

  • Ricardo Hugo Lira-Saldivar
  • Bulmaro Méndez-Argüello
  • Eduardo Aron Flores-Hernández
  • Rubén Monroy-Hernández
  • Froylan Rosales-Martínez
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