Artigo - Atena Editora


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Physicochemical and Nutritional characteristics of tomato seed meal from waste of a tomato processing plant

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Physicochemical and Nutritional characteristics of tomato seed meal from waste of a tomato processing plant

  • DOI:

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  • Keywords: Agro-industrial waste, foods, waste, reutilization

  • Abstract: Although there are scientific and technological advancement, still the world food situation is critical and tending to be worse. But without any doubt in the future good recourses will be applied for unexploited resources sufficiently like the wastes in the food industry. We mainly focus the evaluation of protein quality and fat composition and characteristics in tomato seeds available from industrial waste. The results showed 28.0% protein content, 37.9% raw fat, 20.4% raw fiber, in vitro digestion 61.6%, available lysine 3.02g AA/100g of protein and tryptophan 0.97 g AA/100 g of protein. The unsaturated fatty acid content was 83%, mainly linoleic acid followed by oleic acid. The physical and chemical characteristics of fat obtained were compared with the fat coming from maize oil, cotton seed oil and sunflower seed oil. It is possible suggest that tomato seed oil can be considered as a potential source of edible oil. The presence of trypsin inhibitor and lectins were not detected. Finally, the functional properties studies showed that the meal had fat absorption and emulsifying capabilities.

  • Addí Rhode Navarro Cruz
  • Obdulia Vera-López
  • Ashuin Kammar García
  • Ivan Cesar Arteaga
  • Daniel Juárez Serrano
  • Raúl Ávila-Sosa Sánchez
  • Orietta Segura Badilla
  • Ivonne Pérez Xochipa
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